ACT Writing Scorers Are Making MAJOR ERRORS

ACT rescored my multiple-choice answer sheet, though I did not ask them to do so. Rather, I requested by letter (and by phone) that they rescore my essay.

They misconstrued my request is what I’m saying.

@HealTheCookies I see - that’s what @suzyQ7 rightly deduced.
I hope you’ll be able to prove their screw-up. If the first tier customer service person does not budge, insist on going a level up. Keep a record of all your conversations - the times, names, etc.

@gcf101 Thanks for the advice! :slight_smile:

AND… the controversy goes national, being acknowledged in the WaPo

My Writing section was recalculated from a 16 to a 20. My previous score was a 35, so this result is really quite disappointing.

@HealTheCookies 20 is not bad at all. At least it didn’t cost you anything. With all this ACT bad publicity, colleges are going to ignore the writing scores, I really wouldn’t worry about it.

@suzyQ7 I hope you are right.

I got a 27. I expected a low score after having followed this thread for a while, but actually seeing the score posted on the report is a little irritating, especially since my other sections’ scores are in the 30s. I’m definitely getting a rescore.

@photogeek8 I am in the same boat…except my writing is a 30. But my other sections were 36, 35, 34 and 31. (science killed me I guess…still suspicious of that one, too). Or, I just blanked. Are you really going to get a rescore? I have been mulling it over.

@kikidee9 My other sections were 36, 34, 34, 31 (I think you posted on the February ACT thread and mentioned me). I will get a rescore because the score seems incongruous with the other ones. I am a little worried that the 27 genuinely reflects that essay’s worth and not the “mistakes” of the scorer, but the rescore will tell.

@kikidee9 Don’t rescore a 30 - its excellent (!). I bet they will not raise that score.

English 34, reading 33, writing 18. My daughter says she reviewed sample answers, understood what was expected and thought she did well. Planning on requesting a rescore.

@brindlegreyhound when did she test?

February, just got the scores

I think a rescore is prudent. This thread began due to suspect scoring in Dec. I guess
the scoring has still not improved…sorry to hear this!

Forgive me if I sound condescending, but I think that many of you are getting too hyped up for something that is either trivial or fixable. Really, the problem isn’t the test, it’s the test-takers.

Allow me to explain.

My first writing section score was terrible. As ashamed as I am to say it, I received a 23. Of course I was upset, but not for a moment was I arrogant enough to believe that it was someone else’s fault for my shortcoming. I realized that I had not done well, and that I needed to improve. So while others were wasting their time complaining about their victimization, I was working on improving my writing skills. I wrote papers, got advice from experts, and read day and night. I worked on becoming less rigid – writing like I was following a rubric – and more fluent (in a literary sense). I never felt sorry for myself or like I had been cheated.

Then my second ACT rolled around.

At long last my practice could be put into, well, practice. I didn’t worry about following a supposed rubric of what makes a “good” essay, I just wrote. It wasn’t long (only three pages), but it was real – it was me. Oh, and I answered the question. You know, the question that they asked. And it worked. All the hard work paid off, and I received an excellent score on it (I won’t brag, but it way over my original 23).

So quit whining. Everyone here is very intelligent – smart enough to write a great essay. Stop playing the victim and start owning up to your own work. Improve, don’t wallow. If you want advice, feel free PM me. But again, there is no rubric for good writing, as it’s more of an expression – an art – than a science.

If this rubs anyone the wrong way, I’m sorry. This was meant to be a gentle nudge. Upon rereading, I find that it was more of a shove. Still, take it for what it’s worth, which may not be much. Thanks.

^One of the most narcissistic and self-centered replies I’ve ever seen…


I just received scores from the February ACT today and it seems I share a similar story with many others who have commented here. I was pleased with a 34 composite score but was very surprised to see I received a 20 on the writing section. I’ve always considered writing to be my best subject and practiced multiple ACT style prompts before taking the test. This score just seems too low. I’m strongly considering getting a rescore but am wondering if I will actually see any boost in my score. Has anyone here requested a rescore and actually seen a significant change? Thanks!

@Lanaana Agreed - also self righteous and snarky.