ACT Writing Scorers Are Making MAJOR ERRORS

34 C and 21 on Writing. I’m definitely getting a rescore

@forgetmenot98 Something does not compute: in one of your posts in the other forum you said that you did not prepare for the ACT and that you are not allowed to read anything but Bible (you do manage to sneak in books, but that, probably, does not make it possible to read day and night).
So you are not really in a position to advise others condescendingly (and why exactly should you be forgiven for that?) to stop whining and playing a victim.

Well, I really am sorry that it came off that way. It was not my intention. Really, there was nothing personal against any of you in my statements, but if they offended you, forgive me. It’s never right to condescend – if I did, then I am in the wrong.

And I do sneak books, and it is all the time. You see, I’m homeschooled, which means that I can hide and read and write.

We all complain, and I get it. Believe me, I would be upset too if I got a score that was way lower than what I thought I deserved. But to complain the way it was done was arrogant and presumptuous. That’s all I am saying.

If you read the thread @forgetmenot98 you will see that many who had a low score on the NEW ACT writing (did you take the new ACT writing starting in October 2015?) and requested a rescore were vindicated by a much higher score. So aside from the condescending tone, you don’t really have a point. The issue is that the ACT company is having trouble getting accurate scores on their new ACT writing section. Pile on the issues with the new SAT and PSAT, Class of 2017 are getting screwed on all fronts. So its smart of kids to send out for a rescore if they truly believe that the scoring was incorrect.

Like the OP- @niflheim000 . We never heard back from you, but would love to know if your rescore was fruitful.

@Forgetmenot98 YOU ARE arrogant and presumptuous. Take some time to read what the OP wrote in the initial post. Compare your own mediocre writing to the OP’s. Ask yourself if the OP deserves much lower score than you. Also read what others wrote about re-scoring. Ask yourself if it is OK that ACT re-scores for $50.00. From what I know most, including my D got new scores which are 6-10 points higher. Does it indicate that those students fully deserved the low score they received ?I don’t think so. It is negligence on ACT part, but it is too hard for you to understand, because your are too busy admiring yourself.

@Lanaana – No need to yell. I’m sorry, all right? Sorry that I committed such a tragic crime. But I won’t be yelled at. I don’t deserve that.

And you all have a valid point. I never questioned that. But for some reason I’m arrogant for presenting a differing opinion?

@suzyQ7 --Yes…it was the new one. And yes, I scored poorly on my first one. But I improved on my second. It’s great to complain, though. Really, we need more complaints in the world. As one of the people being screwed by everyone else, maybe I should complain, too. I don’t know.

I’m not trying to sound arrogant. I hope you all know that. Somehow I do, though.

Good luck to everyone. I hope your re-scores come with an improved number. The price really should be refundable if they find that you deserved a higher score in the first place.

@forgetmeknot98 It is refundable and can only bring your score up so very smart for people to do if they think they had an inaccurate score (which is what people are saying in this thread -not complaining). Maybe you should tell the Washington post to ‘quit whining’ and ‘stop playing the victim’ too - I’m sure they’d appreciate the gentle nudge.

@suzyQ7 – Well, you got me. I was completely foolish here. Obviously I was being a complete moron. Thanks for enlightening me.

I think the ACT writing scoring was out of whack even on the old scale. It just wasn’t as obvious because the scales were so different between the 0-12 on writing and the 0-36 on the other tests. Kids I know who are awesome writers and aced the AP Lit and Comp test (a 5 means in top 7%) couldn’t get better than an 8 on the ACT writing.

what is the comparison of scores from old and new? Like some who got 8s on old…what would that be in the new scale? Sorry if someone has already asked this…

@kikidee9 I read somewhere that an 8 was equivalent to a 23

@kikidee9 My understanding there is no formula to convert the old scale into the new one.1-36 score for Writing is a scaled score that will vary from test to test. This is similar to how the September Math test might have an “easier” curve than December. Some prompts produce higher raw scores in the four domains, some don’t.

My child had 30-34 subscores and a 19 in writing. A friend had the same…with a 19 writing. No re-score requested, because this was the first attempt at ACT. If it happens again, we will ask for a re-score.

@mompop I think you can only ask for re-score within first 12 weeks or so after receiving the scores. Just keep in mind you may not get an opportunity to re-score this particular test.

FYI - I got my rescore back. I was bumped up 2 points to a 28 .

Their g curve is really weird. 32 - 36 are 99%, 30-31 is 98%, 29 is 97% and 27 - 28 is 95%.

Good luck everyone.

congrats! Totally worth it since it didn’t cost you anything and bumped you up. I’d be happy with that.

I scored a 30 on Reading and 27 on English and only got an 11 on writing. I didn’t care enough to get a rescore…

There’s really nothing to lose. There were such egregious mistakes that most students who asked for a refund and an increase in their score.

My daughter had a 36 composite as I had posted above and a 27 on writing. We did pay the $50 and had her writing rescored. It stayed the same. Based on what I know now, a 27 is the 95% for writing and it is what it is. Was it worth the $50? Absolutely yes! Now we know that the 27 is a good score. She obviously will not take the ACT again and is done! :slight_smile:

@hcmom65 I got the exact same scores haha. 36 composite and 27 writing. Do you think it’s worth getting rescored or should I not spend the money?