
<p>Stanford website says: "Applicants must submit scores from all SAT tests (including Subject Tests) taken or all ACT tests taken. Applicants cannot elect to "hide" any scores with either testing agency." What does this mean? Students taking the ACT can choose to send only their best scores. How can Stanford tell whether a student is "hiding" any ACT scores? I took it a multiple times and only sent in the best score; I really hope it does not mean that ACT will send all my ACT scores to Stanford.</p>

<p>The ACT probably knows about it. Stanford opted out of the new score choice policy for the SAT and it could be the same situation for the ACT as well.</p>

what happened to me is that for each ACT test that i took (i took it once sophomore year and then 3 times junior year) i used ACT’s free score report to send the score to stanford (don’t ask me why, i was stupid)
and yet i still got in SCEA
i called up stanford after i submitted my application and asked them to destroy the files of my past ACT scores, and they refused, but they promised that when the committee gathered that they would only look at the best score, regardless of how many times you’ve taken the test
so don’t fret, it will all work out regardless</p>