Active Shooting in Lewiston, Maine (Location of Bates)

Ugh. Two towns over from us.
I locked the doors and turned on the outside lights.

Oh no! Stay safe and I hope that the Bates campus isn’t impacted.


I just saw that on CNN and thought of you and the nearby college campus. I hope the shooter is caught before there are any further incidents. :pray:

Stay safe!


Thank you. Sad when it happens in a small state like this. But Lewiston tends to have a lot of crime, unfortunately. In a separate incident, police just arrested a 17-year-old who had a lot of firearms in his car and took him to the youth detention facility where I volunteer. People keep calling for this place to be shut down, but where would kids like this go? These kids haven’t just stolen bicycles. We host a birthday party for kids each month, and one of them had killed his abusive grandmother. :frowning: Even the people who work there know it’s not a great place, but there are no alternatives.


So scary. Glad you are okay.

Local media seems to have more details, including locations of shootings and photos of a suspect.

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So sad. So horrible. Please stay safe.

I’m hearing 16 dead?!?

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Oh, that is heartbreaking… hope the death toll news is not true. Stay safe. Sending hugs for the times ahead, as your towns try to recover from the tragedy.



I heard a radio show host up here say that a shooting like the one in Uvalde couldn’t happen in Maine because people look out for each other. I actually emailed him to say that wasn’t true. :cry:



Tragic. I assume Bates must be locked down/shelter in place? Nothing at Bowdoin yet, surprising, it’s not that far away.

White male with a beard, looks to be in his 30s.

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Everything in the whole area is locked down. Closer to me than Bowdoin.


Here’s the pic they released, hope some family/friends come forward:

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Unfortunately, that describes a LOT of men in Maine, as I’m sure you know.


Just saw the news. Shooter is still at large.


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How horrible! There seems to be no escaping gun violence.


Checked in with a friend whose daughter is at Bates and the college is on full lockdown. She reports students in her dorm are frightened but calm. The college sits between 2 of shooting locations. Pray for the safety of all students and staff and for the many victims and their families!