Active Shooting in Lewiston, Maine (Location of Bates)

Instead he went for defenseless people. Sickening.

I’m asking because I don’t know
if a gun owner (legally obtained) experiences mental health issues, are they legally required to turn in their guns?

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If they were detained involuntarily. So if he went in voluntarily, I guess he wouldn’t have had to turn in guns. Last year was my son’s first involuntary commitment. He can never again possess a firearm, even for hunting.


I found this: Mental Health Reporting in Maine | Giffords

Sounds like the loophole is if someone voluntarily enters treatment.


@MaineLonghorn is correct. The “involuntary” part is what triggers a federal prohibition of firearms possession.


I don’t think its a “loophole”. If every voluntary hospitalization led to mandatory reporting, many people would not seek treatment. Its a bit of a double bind.


The population of Maine is less than that of metropolitan Austin. So probably all of us will know someone affected by it.


I heard the Lewiston mayor say the same thing. :disappointed_relieved:

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Bates College President shared that one Bates College employee was injured at one of the shooting locations; a full recovery is expected.


When this story broke last night, my first thought was that Lewiston has had a large Somali immigrant population for a number of years–I believe they are fully integrated to the point that there are Somalis involved in local politics, etc. It was a news story because of how the Somalis were welcomed to Lewiston with open arms. I feared it was some sort of anti-Muslim retribution.

This does not seem to be the case.

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Before the photo of the suspect was published, I saw a lot of posters on Twitter claiming that due to that immigrant population, it was “obvious” who the shooter was.

Disgusting. The whole damn thing is just disgusting, and sadly, not remotely the last time something of this nature will happen.


Unfortunately, my guess is this shooter will suicide.

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When I heard his car was found near the river, that was my first thought.

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One national new source intimated that the shooter may have switched vehicles (to a black, cab-style, pick-up truck). Law enforcement announced that they were looking out for this black pick-up truck.

A news anchor speculated that the shooter may have taken a small boat or kayak across the river.

Why " unfortunately"
Most people would be glad a mass murder was eliminated with no further threat to the public or law enforcement in capturing him


Would honestly steer clear today, at least. Traffic alone is bound to be horrible. Or eerily empty, in which case, I wouldn’t feel safe at all.

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Yes, I’m not thrilled my daughter went into work today. At least she’s south of Portland. We’re staying put in our house with the doors locked. It’s hard to get any work done.

H’s cousin & her family live in North Yarmouth. The kids don’t have school, and his cousin is able to stay home with them today. Her H is a doctor in Portland, though, so I imagine he went to work. I hope they find the suspect soon.

I’m watching the briefing from Dr John Alexander with the central Maine medical center now and am so sorry for the lost lives, critically injured and those injured in any way physically and mentally. It’s truly heartbreaking. Hugs to all those in the area in lockdown (or that have friends /family there) as that takes its own toll.

As an aside, the ASL translator is very animated. I can’t stop watching her.