Active Shooting in Lewiston, Maine (Location of Bates)

My son is at Bates, and says that the entire city is locked down and Bates students are sheltering in place…he is in an academic building with a number of his teammates and sounds like they might be there for the night. Classes have been cancelled for tomorrow…


Bowdoin is also on lockdown. I drove to NY today to pickup my MIL and the 2 of us plan/planned to go to Family Weekend at Bowdoin tomorrow.

Yesterday, at UMD (other son’s school) a young man died by suicide in a very public way (not gun) near son’s dorm.

We need to do better regarding both guns and mental health in this country.


Sooo scary!! Glad you are ok!! They have identified a “person of interest”:

“Lewiston Police Department has identified Robert Card as a person of interest in the shootings.

Card, 40, should be “considered armed and dangerous,” the police department warned in a Facebook post. It added, “Please contact law enforcement if you are aware of his whereabouts.”

Law enforcement officials in Maine tell CNN that Card is a certified firearms instructor and a member of the US Army Reserve.”

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Thanks. This is helpful to know.

I was also supposed to be traveling to Brunswick tomorrow (but not specifically to Bowdoin). I intend to pack, but then check the news before I leave. If this isn’t resolved, I can wait.


The helicopters might be medical transport to Boston Hospitals. There was a news report on News Nation that Maine didn’t have enough medical availability so had requested help from Boston hospitals.

My daughter is a surgeon at one of the major Boston hospitals. I just texted her to ask if they got any patients in overnight and she said there was nothing in her emails. This was at 5:00 am. Maybe that’s a good sign that a Level 1 trauma hospital wasn’t needed for some, and that the 3 in ME could handle those who did.


I’m hoping that with daylight, it will be easier to search and locate the gunman.
I am getting worried about my son and other students getting food; he does not keep snacks in his dorm!

Bowdoin is now on Lockout, classes will take place today but all buildings will be locked. Don’t know what that means for the rest of Brunswick.

Hoping as the sun comes up police catch the gunman.


My son is also at Bates, and was fortunate to be in his room when this happened. We just got notified that students who were forced to shelter in place in campus buildings last night will be able to be shuttled to their dorm rooms this morning. I hope that happens very soon for their sake.


I’m also worried about students getting hungry. My son does normally have a few snacks in his room, but he just yesterday moved to a new dorm room, and I don’t think he’d moved his snacks yet.

Public schools are closed today in Brunswick.

Many local businesses and schools in the larger area are closed, including some even in Portland:

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My brother lives close by and is also on lockdown.

The photos of the suspect with the weapon are harrowing/hanuting.

Lives unnecessarily lost and others impacted forever. I hope he is caught without any more destruction.

I’m hopeful everyone stays locked down and that somehow the suspect can be apprehended quickly.

Just horrible, horrible, horrible news.

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Tomorrow was supposed to be a joyous celebration for Bates as new President Gary Jenkins is inaugurated. I’m sure now in light of this tragedy, the event will be postponed.

I was thinking of how I always love seeing the “Hopeful” sign as I drive into Lewiston-today they need this sentiment more than ever.


@MaineLonghorn I hope you and all those in Maine were able to get some sleep. Please check in with us, we are thinking of you.

I’m so sick about this. My daughter now lives overseas and all of her friends from Bates have graduated, but one of my students is at Bates. Along with the parents on this thread, I wish I could hug them all.

Why on earth a gun instructor with known mental health issues was allowed to keep guns is beyond my understanding. Maine is safe, it has a very, very low murder rate. One crazy person was allowed to have guns and this is the result. No crazy people need guns.

I’m praying they catch this guy as quickly as possible.


This situation makes me both sad and angry.

Here is a list of closings today…it’s long.

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Bowdoin changed their mind, classes canceled, dining halls open, essential personal only reporting to work.

My 1st instinct is to get in the car and go to Brunswick (as planned), but am having second, third and 4th thoughts. And certainly not comfortable taking my 88 year old MIL. Will watch and wait.

Of course this is such a little thing for me, thoughts are for all of those more deeply effected. The whole thing makes me sick.

MSNBC has been displaying a map which shows Bates College campus in between the two shooting locations. (Bowling Alley to the North; pool hall-bar combo to the South of campus.)

Bates College President stated that no known injuries to Bates College students at this time.


Yeah I don’t understand how he had a gun. My son is not allowed to have one.

And two weeks in a psychiatric hospital is a joke. It took months to stabilize my son last year.


And he said he was thinking about going to a military base and shooting it up.