Active Shooting in Lewiston, Maine (Location of Bates)

I thought Sauschuck did an excellent job but CNN is very critical.

The deaf interpreter for the event has done a lot of interpreting for our church.

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I love that you wrote to the radio host, but Iā€™m so sorry that you were proven right. My community was also affected by gun violence and its extremely frustrating to me after an event like this to hear people say ā€œI never thought it could happen here.ā€ Unfortunately it really can happen anywhere - any state, any town, any community.


This echoes the mindset of some during the pandemic, even in the early days. Apparently brave people are immune to both viruses and bullets.


Iā€™ve always been a single issue voter on this issue but I would vote for those candidates anyway. Change will only come when people vote against candidates they otherwise would vote for because of their inaction on the gun issue.


ā€œRifle hunting season scheduled to start this weekend, but plans could change.ā€

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Wow! That would be pretty major. Having lived in an area where plants close the first day of hunting season, that would be a strong statement about law enforcements concern about public safety.


I have said this since Sandy Hook ā€” the only way to change policies is to vote that way, and ignore other attributes of a candidate. Clearly there is no will in statehouses and DC to change on their own.


I think a postponement would be less about public safety and more about not wanting a bunch of white bearded men in the woods with guns.

Would be too easy for the shooter to blend in. And put hunters in danger with an active shooter in the vicinity.

Unless I misunderstood what you were saying.


Yea, that it would be too easy for the shooter to blend right in! Although hopefully most hunters arenā€™t carrying assault style rifles

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This was the quote:

ā€œ[Hunting is] a big deal in Maine. It may not be a big deal to a lot of people from other communities, but we know what thatā€™s going to look like.," Sauschuck said. "[Law enforcement is] in the woods. If you just happen to be in the woods minding your own business going for a walk, thatā€™s going to make us a little concerned, right? So itā€™s definitely a good question and itā€™s something weā€™re actively working on.ā€

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The issue is that is some areas and Maine would be an example of such an area where all of the candidates would be against gun control. There would effectively be no candidate which held the position you would want. And so you vote for the one who is mostly in your camp of issues that are important to you.

Friendā€™s kid, after having spent a night on lockdown not in dorm, and then >24 hrs on lockdown in dorm, has now finally left campus, left Maine (they live only about 2-3 hrs away), and Iā€™m so relieved. Divers are now searching the river where the guyā€™s car was found, but it would be pretty tough to kill oneself, and then enter the river together with oneā€™s weapons.

Absolutely. Iā€™m lucky that I have choices. But my point is that when there are clear distinctions, the thing that is going to move the needle is when people who support a candidate who prioritizes the 2nd amendment choose to vote against that candidate based solely on their gun stance. My single issue stance is irrelevant because Iā€™m voting for people who would have gotten my vote anyway.

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A Bates College student was interviewed today by one of the 24 hour news networks regarding the lockdown. She shared that Bates College students often go to the bowling alley that was one of the two shooting scenes.

Local media at Live updates: Medical examiner says all 18 victims have been identified; state police planning afternoon press conference mentions:

  • All 18 who were killed have been identified.
  • Maine State Police will have a news conference at 5pm (local time).
  • Evidence was found in Cardā€™s car. An anonymous source said that a gun was found, but Maineā€™s commissioner of public safety did not specify whether the evidence included any guns.
  • A suicide note addressed to Cardā€™s son and Cardā€™s cell phone were found in the home associated with Card.
  • Police and warden service are searching the river.
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My sonā€™s psychiatrist is Medical Director at the mental health agency in Lewiston. He said this has been reality-changing for him. He felt overwhelmed yesterday but is doing better today. He believes the shooter probably committed suicide.

Delete. I guess it was too controversiall. Wasnā€™t meant to be.

The discussion on gun rights is welcome on the thread in the politics forum. Letā€™s use this thread as the OP intended.


Is Bowdoin moving forward with parentsā€™ weekend?

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