Active Shooting in Lewiston, Maine (Location of Bates)

Bowdoin College’s web site says that most Family Weekend events are cancelled.


“Trunk or Treat” events in our area have been canceled. Our church has also postponed a women’s retreat that was supposed to happen tonight and tomorrow. So many people and plans have been affected.


I’m out of here. My condolences to all of those who have been impacted.

When a student at a nearby high school opened fire, killing 4 classmates and seriously wounding a number of students and staff, it was difficult for families to find therapists who were able to provide the type of trauma counseling they needed. In the past, there wasn’t the huge need we have today.

Please tell me this means it’s almost over.

They’ve sent divers into the river near where he left his car. I know this sounds horrible, but I’m really hoping they find him in the river. Otherwise, I worry this could drag on indefinitely.


I think that is most likely the case.

I’m not sure why some people that are going to commit suicide feel the need to take others out beforehand.


Press conference in 5 minutes, at 5 pm Eastern time.


Starting now.

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Card has been found dead.


We should be sad that this guy will not be brought to justice in the legal system and “we” (meaning all citizens interested) will never hear directly his state of mind leading to this tragedy. And the fact that his mental health issues or whatever led to this disordered thinking and subsequent massacre of innocent people were not successfully managed is also sad. There is much to be sad about.


I’m in no way sad he ended it this way. Angry that he couldn’t just kill himself without methodically murdering others first? Absolutely! In the past, hearing these murderers speak has changed nothing.


We do not know what was going on in his disordered state of mind. I am horrified that he killed so many people and wreaked havoc with the lives of so many, but I am sad that he wasn’t able to get adequate treatment that could have prevented all the loss of lives, including his own.


This. This person actually told people that he wanted to kill others. In a way that was reaching out for help he never received.

As a country, we need to do a better job of dealing with things like this.


I think a thorough, exacting account of his timeline is necessary and should be made public. His family, work, military, police etc can all fill in the blanks. When and why was he fired? Did the family really contact the police and when? Interview all in his life. And this information should be used to understand the holes in his care and our laws and procedures. Because at this point, there’s just nothing left to say IMO.