<p>Hi there,
This message is mainly meant for the William and Mary admissions officer who runs the CC site; I can't send a message to his/her inbox because I haven't posted 15 times. But of course if anyone else could answer my question it'd be great!</p>
<p>It's actually pretty simple even though this is kind of long. I was wondering to what extent WM looks at the amount of hours spent per week on an activity, and how much the order of your activities matters? When I filled out the CA activities form I honestly didn't pay a whole lot of attention to the hours, and for one club that's actually pretty important to me I only put the amount of time that I spent in the meeting each week, excluding how much I worked outside of the club (so it should be like 3 hours instead of 1-2). I'm sort of worried that this shows a lack of commitment. Additionally, although I put all my important activities at the top, I sort of just did it randomly without thinking about whether I had leadership positions or not. Would this hurt me in the admissions process/ could I send an email to explain about the hours thing, or is that not necessary? For some more background, I've been doing the club all four years and have had leadership positions in 11th and 12th grades. Thanks!</p>