Actual Results Thread for African Americans

<p>Dbate- Of course I am lol, I hope everybody on here realizes that, I'm very sarcastic, sorry if that offended anyone :(
Haha, why would you walk? I would run! lmao. :)</p>

<p>... How do you quote a msg?</p>

<p>@superwoman: "23hevfalub23- will you marry me? please! Lmao, just joking. hahaha, but your stats are great! I'm not suprised you got in to GA Tech = I</p>

<p>p.s. How's GA like? I've never been and I'm strongly considering Spelman! I live in Boston and I hate the cold . I heard GA's weather is pretty nice
Also, which school do you like the most? And what would you major in? (sorry if I'm asking too much, just curious "</p>

<p>GA and I have a love-hate relationship. The weather is bipolar (it snows one day and the day before it was in the 70s; sometimes the rain is hot; you get a little bit of everything); the people are sometimes a mess; then, they are sometimes some of the best people in the world; the suburbs are the best part (rural areas can sometimes be racist; urban can get kinda rowdy; suburbs are where the sane people stay)</p>

<p>Of the schools that I listed, if accepted to all, I would attend Harvard in a heartbeat. No question. (Maybe Yale if things were to strangely work that way) But Harvard's the only college I had ever been to (Mom's reunions and stuff) up until last year and ever really heard of up until middle school. Ultimately, I want to be a calculus professor at Harvard (i'd probably try to get all my degrees there, God willing). That and my children's being double legacy black applicants would be a wrap. I'd major in their Biomedical Engineering or Applied Mathematics. Either way I'd want a Bachelor of Arts so I could take more advantage of the other classes- the guy who writes my current econ textbook teaches there: Gregory Mankiw. I'ma take his class first semester. Ec10</p>

<p>And to answer your earlier question about the ACT: I didn't but probably should have studied for the SAT I (age 14-1750), SAT II (age 15-760, 720, 550), ACT (age 16-30). I didn't feel like taking either test ever again in life, so I didn't. My scores reflected an upward trend, and were decent i guess. Everybody else stressed themselves out sr yr by retaking that thing a million times, but I don't think it's that serious. My mom got in (granted this was 25 years ago) with a 1200 out of 1600. I think other factors are equally as important. We'll see. My best friend got into Princeton last year with a 1900 SAT, ranked 25 out of 450ish.</p>

<p>But yeah, it's terrible to really want to go to a selective school, so I try not to get my hopes up too much, but God knows the desires of my heart, and all things work together for those who love Him.</p>

<p>Hey backoff superwomen!!!!!
she's mine! well my online college confidential friend that is lol</p>


<p>ummm About that person who got into princeton
with a 1900 SAT


Do you know how the person is doing at Princeton academically?</p>

<p>I've met some people who say most people with below the schools 50% range will really struggle.</p>

put [ quote ] MESSAGE IN HERE[ /quote ]</p>

<p>take out the spaces in between the brackets</p>

<p>I doubt that they are struggling the person was ranked number twenty five. Doing well in school is moslty just being a good student and has little to do with being smart. Intelligence just makes the system work easier. And a 1900 is in like what the top 90% in the entire nation? Also I think people inflate the diffuculty of these schools, just because you are in a class full of smart people it doesn't make the material any harder or easier. Differential equations is still differential equations regardless if it is at Princeton or a state school.</p>

<p>23hevfalub23- O okay, that sounds good to me lol. its below zero here as we speak, well thats how it feels like. Good Luck with Harvard though! I went to Harvard Summer School and there dorms are gorgeous! The people though seemed so precautious like the campus was extremely quiet..especially during the school year. my ex bf's sister is going there full ride for med school and she loves it so i guess everyones experience at Harvard is different. And like you said, i think God has a plan for you, if thats where he wants you to be, thats where you will be. Im so anxious to find out my decisions but -m a strong believer in fate. Whatevers meant to happen will. g luck! :)</p>

<p>roblan- hunh? Im lost here :(</p>

<p>Also, i forgot to mention im majoring in biomedical too! But I definetly dont want to do Applied Mathemarics, I heard Brown is widely known for their Applied Math program. Im interested in taking some medical illustration courses there. Im a painter and sketcher but I never have time to fine-tune my skills in drawing the human body, thats definetly going to be different for me. I want to try minor possibly in Art and major in Biology with a concentration in Biomedical Engineering. :)</p>

<p>That's really cool. I can't wait until April 1st to find out. I hope it's good news for all of us. </p>

<p>And about my friend who got a 1900 on the SAT, she was waitlisted and then accepted btw. But she is first-year and got 2 A's and 2 B's. She's not struggling. We talk every week or so, and she really is enjoying it. </p>

<p>I agree with that statement about how college can only get so hard. I'm sure that the curriculum is intense, but probably not more than anywhere else. A lot of the learning happens with everyday conversations with a nearby genius or professor... They don't want us to fail; they just want to challenge us and give us resources we deserve, etc.</p>

<p>I have wondered about the point roblan mentioned. If you are in the bottom 25% of a college's stats, does that necessarily mean that you will have to work much harder for top grades? Is it better to attend a school where you are in the top 25% stat wise in order to have a higher gpa to apply for graduate school or professional school? Maybe a 4.0 at a lesser known school would be better than a 2.5 from HYP.</p>

<p>As an addendum to mine: I got something from UChicago in November indicating that I should apply for a merit based scholarship to the school based on my NAS. Does that mean anything?</p>

<p>Where were you accepted: I applied to 8 schools in total. So far, I have been accepted to 6- Ohio Wesleyan University, University of Rochester, Loyola New Orleans, Loyola Chicago, Drexel, and Tulane University. I'm still waiting to hear back from 2- Occidental College and Colby College. </p>

<p>Did you get any scholarships/ Honors program: I received no offers to join the Honors program at any school. However, I was offered an $8,000 scholarship from Rochester. A $18,000 scholarship from Ohio Wesleyan. A $17,500 scholarship from Loyola New Orleans and a $17,000 scholarship from Tulane University.</p>

<p>*SAT: 700 CR, 610 MATH, 620 W
*ACT: I actually do not remember my ACT score. It wasn't very good and so I didn't send it into any colleges- therefore, it wasn't a factor.
*GPA: 3.3 UW
*Rank: My high school does not rank.
* Ap Courses: 4 in AP US History. Currently, I'm taking AP Art History and AP Gov.</p>

<p>*Essays: FABULOUS! If I do say so myself...
*Teacher Recs: The teacher that wrote it is incredible and so I'm guessing that my rec from him was great.
*Counselor Rec: Decent. I hope!
*Hook: URM!</p>

<p>*State or Country: Ohio
*School Type: Well-known, private, all-girl's academy.
*Gender: Female.
* Major strength/weakness: Leadership ability / GPA :(
*Why you think you were accepted/rejected/defered where you were: I showed definite interest in all of the schools to which I applied.
*Significant awards/recongitions: Too many to list! Most notably, elected to StuCo for all 4 years.
*Summer activities: Intern for the Barack Obama campaign!</p>

<p>I'm still waiting on decisions from Brown, Tufts, WUSTL, Yale, Northwestern, and University of Oklahoma (!), so I'm going to do the condensed version now, full version later. Okay...</p>

<p>Where were you accepted: University of Richmond, Regular Decision
Did you get any scholarships/ Honors program: $15,000 per year Presidential (I'm also a finalist competing for the full tuition scholarship, and I'm flying out for interviews on the 17th. Wish me luck!)</p>

[<em>] SAT: 2290
[</em>] SAT IIs: did not send (took in January)
[<em>] ACT: n/a
[</em>] GPA: 3.85 UW, W scale is just weird so I won't bother to list it.
[<em>] Rank: Top 5% of ~440 (I can only approximate the last rank, but this is weighted.)
[</em>] Ap Courses: Taking: AP English Lit, AP Comp Sci AB, AP Spanish Language, AP Government, AP Economics, AP Calc BC. Took 3 other APs in the past, but did not send scores(what? It costs money! And anyway, they were just okay.)
[<em>] Other stats:
[</em>] Essays: One really good, one good. I was happy with them, and I think this was another big reason why I was accepted.
[<em>] Teacher Recs: Extremely good; my english teacher loves me.
[</em>] Counselor Rec: Blah... she just got here.
[<em>] Hook (if any): um yeah, were all URM! Relatively strong testing.
[</em>] State or Country: I'm not telling...
[<em>] School Type: Moderately Competitive Public
[</em>] Gender: Female
[<em>] major strength/weakness: Strength: URM to a school with a low minority population, straight up. Weaknesses: Grades and class rank, hands down. For a finalist, I mean.
[</em>] why you think you were accepted/rejected/defered where you were: My strengths as listed above.
[<em>] significant awards/recongitions: National Achievement and Merit Finalist (I reported these as soon as I got them), AP Scholar, some state level recognition in artsy/creative things.. art shows and displays... alot of writing... publication... and a fair amount of leadership. A lot of medium level awards in academic fare. I'm as involved as a lot of you are in the things you love.
[</em>] summer activities: Volunteering, and PE at the summer school.
[/ul]Other Factors: I'm so excited! I can't wait to go to Virginia!</p>

<p>roblan, SAT's don't mean anything for success in life, or for that matter success in university/college</p>

<p>UPDATE: My daugher's has been accepted to U of MN, U of MO-Columbia (partial scholarship), SUNY Binghamton and Washington University in St. Louis. Still awaiting word from Stanford stats: </p>

ACT: 31
GPA: 3.85
Ap Courses: Psychology, Biology, Western Civ
Other stats: Missouri Scholar, NHS, Teenage Health Mentors
Essays: Good, but not great
Teacher Recs: Outstanding
Counselor Rec: Don't know
Hook (if any): URM interested in pre-med and Chinese language
State or Country: MO
School Type: Public
Gender: F
major strength/weakness:
why you think you were accepted/rejected/defered where you were:
significant awards/recongitions: Missouri Scholar, NA Commended
summer activities: Color guard, tennis, Chinese lessons
Other Factors:</p>

<p>accepted to Northeastern & UMASS Amherst so far!! Will post stats when I hear about the other 10 schools I applied to! I'm so happy right now. I guess the philosophy that tests don't matter too much in admissions is true! : )</p>

<p>p.s. Good Luck to everyone else, I can't wait until April!</p>

<p>congrats, akward. i myself got hit with a lovely waitlisting there...</p>

<p>^^You may get in off the waitlist. You could take her spot if they don't come up with some significant financial aid for her!</p>

<p>ACCEPTED: Temple University and SUNY Brockport.</p>

<p>^^Thanks for the support.</p>

duke (got a likely letter)
uconn-honors program with scholarship
fordham - full-tuition scholarship
american - honors program with scholarship</p>

<p>still waiting for yale, penn, tufts, georgetown, and george washington</p>

<p>Just heard that I got into CALS at Cornell! Snail mail and international so does not mix lol.</p>