add/drop week?

<p>So FSU has already billed Florida Prepaid for the cost of my classes. If I drop a class during add/drop week, do I get a refund for the cost of that class? If I drop a class and add another one that has an equal amount in credit hours, do I still have to pay for that dropped class?</p>

<p>They did not bill Prepaid actually. They just show the credit on your account. Every time you change a class during add/drop, your account will change and be adjusted. Prepaid is not actually billed until after add/drop. So you can add and drop away. Only what is on your schedule as of midnight the day drop/add ends is billed to Prepaid. </p>

<p>This holds true for Bright Futures also. If you drop AFTER add/drop, Prepaid will be billed, Bright Futures will be billed (paid to FSU) AND you have to pay Bright Futures back. FSU will bill you for the payback amount.</p>

<p>How do I check if Prepaid has been billed or not? I checked financial aid on black board and it only had bright futures (FAS) and loans on there. Is there a different place to check on Prepaid status?</p>

<p>As sunnyflorida said, Florida Prepaid isn’t billed until the end of drop/add.</p>

<p>If you have Florida Prepaid and there isn’t anything listed on your account statement or your financial aid toolkit for them, I’d call the university financial aid people ASAP. You have less than 2 weeks until financial aid is disbursed.</p>

<p>Oh okay, thanks. I checked my account statement and it’s there. I read the other topic regarding bright futures being added after add/drop as well</p>

<p>Florida Prepaid is not financial aid and never shows up on the FA page. But it shows up as a credit weeks before each term begins on your account, and is adjusted if your drop or add classes. Bright Futures is considered financial aid and show up on the Financial Aid page but never shows up as a credit to your account until the day AFTER drop/add.</p>