<p>Sorry in advance -- my thread is long.</p>
<p>The Pre-College LD thread doesn't get as much traffic as the Parents Forum, so I have posted here. Hope that is ok.</p>
<p>Here is our situation: 10th grader, ADD with Executive Functioning issues. All classes are either honors or AP. He does well on standardized tests. He currently does not have a 504 or IEP because he is in private school. His school is structured so that many accomodations aren't needed (already provides him extended testing time and small classes (6-15 per class)). He was classified ADD 4 years ago and is under the care of his primary M.D.</p>
<p>We need to determine if we should get a private psych/ed evaluation completed soon to use it for requesting extended time on standardized tests (specifically SAT/ACT/subject tests) and to have LD requirements in place for college. This is not covered by insurance and would be a substantial cost for us. So, my concern is the benefit worth the cost? Is there really even much benefit?</p>
<p>As I understand it, the process for requesting extended time on standardized tests is very long. Colleges require the testing not be more than 2 years old. To use the same psych ed full evaluation for both purposes gives us a very small time window for psych ed eval and given the time to get an appointment for testing, we really need to decide this soon.</p>
<p>For arguments sake let's assume:</p>
<li><p>He would have stats that fit the 50% range of accepted students in top 50-75 LACs without any accomadations for testing. </p></li>
<li><p>Not a great financial situation. He would need significant FA or need to get into a generous school that meets full need, preferable without loans or school with significant merit.</p></li>
<li><p>National Merit scores in his state are high. Toss-up if he could meet the cut-off. Since it is a toss-up, the cost of psych-ed testing would be worth it if we could get testing done and extended time approaved before Oct.</p></li>
<p>In your experience, do you recommend pursuing private psych ed, request extended time for SAT/ACT, LD in college? Or restrict college search down a few notches?</p>
<p>We aren't prestige driven, but restircting search to lower schools will :</p>
<li><p>chop out some generous schools.</p></li>
<li><p>His ADD/EFD presents with a hypo-focus for subjects of interest. I don't want him under challeneged and even LESS focused because he is bored.</p></li>
<p>My biggest fear as a parent is that I am "limiting" him because of his ADD. Put in context, I have another child who is asthmatic and an athlete. He can play sports because we as parents have gotten him medical specialist and on-going well-visits to manage his condition. I want to provide my ADD kid with the best "management" for his condition -- but what is "best" in terms of life skills? Is it best for him to learn to not expect exceptions and get things completed in "normal" time as prep for real world?</p>
<p>FWIW - At this time colleges that interest him are Colorado College (which if accepted I know he could handle without accomadation, but not sure I could afford), Pomona (which I question if he could be admitted or handle, but oh that generous financial package) and Oberlin. Trying to casually get him more interested in Pitt (which we are in-state).</p>
<p>Thanks if you've read this far! All advice is appreciated. I just really didn't expect to be thinking college strategy this early.</p>