Additional Family Rec: +1 or -100?

<p>I'm trying to do everything I can to help my chances at getting in (go figure, ha). I've seen people say they've gotten parents to write letters of rec before. Now, Pton's website says nothing about recs but in their Princeton in Brief book it says...</p>

<p>"We believe that the required teacher and guidance counselor references...give us much of the info. we need to make thoughtful, well-informed decisions. Additional leters are only helpful if the recommender knows the candidate well and provides new information."</p>

<p>Knowing all that, I am sure that they do not want to read any more than they have to, but still... I really want my brother to write me a rec. I personally feel that he can address a lot of my qualities (who would be better, right?) that nobody else would see or could address. He's a great writer, and he is a freshman in college; he knows what I've been going through.</p>

<p>Now, is it too biased any way you dice it? Like I've said, I've heard of people doing similar things before, and I realize that if its a bad rec then this could really set a bad tone, but supposing it was good (new insight, etc), Is it worth it? Please give me all of your opinions: good and bad. And be sure to explain so I know what you're thinking! Thanks bunches.</p>

<p>I don’t think a rec from your brother would be helpful unless he will reveal some insight about you or your life circumstances that otherwise has not come out. If that is the case then maybe- but , I would ask why hadn’t you addressed these things in one of the essays? Or had the guidance counselor mention them? </p>

<p>In general, I think it’s a bad idea.</p>

<p>I say go for it</p>

<p>I think it’s unprofessional.</p>