Additional information

<p>does anyone know how many words one can write into the additional information box???</p>

<p>How important is the 3rd and optional “personal statement”?</p>

<p>It states:</p>

<p>"Unless you were directed earlier in the application to clarify or expand on other information (e.g., to list additional names, explain citizenship/visa issues, discuss reasons for applying to EOP, etc.), this section is optional. If you wish, you may use this space to tell us anything else you want us to know about you or your academic record that you have not had the opportunity to describe elsewhere in the application. "</p>

<p>I was not directed earlier. I don’t have any strange trends in my grades or scores (I don’t have any random Ds or Fs and I took all my SATs and got good marks). So what could I really mention here?</p>