Does anyone know when initial contacts might be made in regard to some of the larger scholarships? I’m sure some is done in February but hoping some is done in January.
Also, does anyone know if they super score ACT tests for the additional competitive scholarships for the Honors College, Lott Leadership, etc.
Scholarships like the ones that you refer to will be announced in late February, early March. Ole Miss does not superscore ACT. They utilize the highest composite score.
@collegeguider and everyone else, do you know if there has been any movement on the additional scholarships?
Since February 15th was the final scholarship application deadline, campus groups should be meeting to determine their awards. I know that some scholarships have been announced to students, but not all.
Has anyone received a scholarship from the honors college for the 2018-2019 academic year?
@ILMom2000 - My son has not. There are many generous offers but they are slow to award them in comparison to other schools which complicates things.
@ILMom2000 We have not received Honors College or STEM additional scholarships (which we are hoping to get one, or both
of them). I am concerned that by not accepting his Honors College admission yet, it will kick him out of the HC scholarships. Don’t want to make that $250 deposit until we are sure that’s where he wants to go. Ole Miss is in Top 3 and additional money would definitely move it up.
We are in the same boat @S18D20mom. Ole Miss is in the Top 3, and right now they are within $1500 of each other but additional monies would push them to the top. He is making another trip down during Spring Break to help make his decision.
I just got notification by call that I received an Honor’s College scholarship. There will be 12 awarded this year out of 700 applicants. I haven’t made the deposit yet, so no worries as far as that goes.
Congratulations @sstarr99
Thanks for sharing.
Congratulations @sstarr99!
Congratulations @sstarr99! Hope you’ll accept the offer!
Congrats! That is quite an honor with only 12.
Since Honors College Scholarships are being distributed, how about Ole Miss FIRST or OMWC? Has anyone received either of these scholarships yet?
How about the STEM scholarships ($2000/yr for $8000 total)? We are still hoping.
@sstarr99 Congratulations! Did you have any idea you were in the running for a competitive scholarship? Again congrats!
If your child already has all of the out of state tuition covered, he/she will not get a STEM scholarship from my understanding.
My D received a letter in the mail today for an accounting scholarship!!!
Thanks! @ILMom2000 I haven’t gotten notification of anything else, and from what I’ve seen, such scholarships tend to go out in April. @bama2000 I did get a letter saying I was a finalist, but not until after I had already been notified by call that I had received the scholarship.
I still haven’t gotten a letter regarding the scholarship or notification of any other scholarships whatsoever. I’m not sure why the Honors College called so early, but I’m sure there’s still hope for plenty of other scholarships. Commitment to the Honors College scholarship is due by May 1st, so there may be other openings later as students decline as well.
I haven’t heard back about Honors College scholarships, though in my acceptance letter I was told I was a finalist for one of their scholarships and would hear back in mid-March. On March 6th I was contacted about the Ole Miss Women’s Council scholarship and interviewed on March 8th. So far have not heard back from them yet either about whether I will actually be awarded it.