Additional Scholarships

My son was accepted and got the automatic Presidential scholarship that will cover almost all of OOS tuition. Are there any other scholarships he can apply for? His major will be Biology (pre-med).

Did he fill out the UA scholarship form?

I just checked, he did. So additional scholarships are possibly awarded from that application? It doesn’t seem like it’s a specific scholarship?

I haven’t looked at it lately, but doesn’t it have a long list of various scholarships? Some may not apply to your situation (major, alumni, scouts, etc).

To tell you the truth, as an incoming frosh, if you qualify for the Presidential, and are not engineering, usually you aren’t given another award as a frosh. There are some smaller awards, but the school usually gives those to good students who didn’t qualify for the automatic awards.

I see that you’re trying to keep costs down to about $15k-20k. With the presidential, you can do that.

The COA is heavily padded since it includes the priciest dorms and the freshman meal plan. He can choose a regular standard double and save about $4k. After frosh year, he doesn’t have to have a meal plan at all…or he can choose a much cheaper one.

I see that your son has an interest in hockey. Bama has

when did your son receive notification that he had received the presidential scholarship? Was it with admission?


Comes in a separate letter. Usually a week or two after acceptance