Has anyone received any additional scholarships from UA after getting the Presidential?

<p>I was at our area UA reception last week and the family we sat with said that UA told their daughter that it would be likely that she would get other scholarships in addition to the Presidential. Has anyone found this to be true? </p>

<p>My son got the Presidential and also a 2,500 per year from Engineering. Nothing else, This past year it has been mentioned to him that he might get other ones. He did fill out the general application for scholarships and we were hoping beyond hope he might get a little more to help with housing. We are very thankful for the two he did get. However if he were to get more we would take it. Roll Tide!</p>

<p><<< This past year it has been mentioned to him that he might get other ones >>>></p>

<p>Can you tell us who mentioned that? We’ve been careful to say that if you get the Presidential, then usually the only other merit a student can get is the eng’g award…and maybe a talent award (music, art, band, forensics).</p>

<p>The school tends to give the other awards to students who haven’t gotten the Presidential awards (which for an OOS student is about $100k)…the school tries to spread the other awards around.</p>

<p>Mom2- didn’t you mention once that your son got a “surprise” engineering scholarship his senior year? I may have you confused, but if so did he apply or was it a total surprise?</p>

<p>Yes. There are departmental scholarships beyond the automatic engineering scholarship. Physics has their own scholarships. University Fellows and CBHP also offer some scholarship $$. </p>

<p>DS was never promised any others. It was just mentioned to us at college fair by local rep that if he applied for the general ones on the scholarship application that he might be able to get one of the many others on that list, however we understand it was a long shot and we are so very happy about the ones he has received. Roll TIde!</p>

<p>Son #2 also got a small scholarship for having a perfect math SAT. Long story–he has a scholarship equal to Presidential but not called that. He also got the Eng.department scholarship.</p>

<p>There are at least 2 additional scholarship ops for returning students every year: 1 through the Honors College (due ~Feb 10th) and the other through the University as a whole (due Dec 1). There are several others (esp for Juniors and Seniors) in a variety of different fields. These pop up on the ‘currently enrolled students scholarship’ link in mybama. </p>

<p>I’d like to put a plug in for outside scholarships, which my S has had a great deal of success with. The ship is already setting sail for current Seniors in HS. The majority of outside scholarships are geared towards them right now, and deadlines are around the next few months, so don’t let this opportunity pass you by if you are still in HS. Depending on your major, look far, wide, deep into the industry associations that support that major. Every industry has these groups. Some of these have really really specific scholarships. The more focused you are, the better your chances with that particular outside scholarship. And, for those still in university, don’t quit applying for outside scholarships! Free money goes begging every year because there aren’t enough qualified, smart, articulate people out there asking for it. </p>

Mom2- didn’t you mention once that your son got
a “surprise” engineering scholarship his senior year? I may have you confused, but if so did he apply or was it a total surprise?

<p>He got a surprise one his junior year. No, he didn’t apply for it.</p>

<p>To the OP, I wasn’t referencing the odd one-time awards an upper-classman might get if a top student in the dept. </p>

<p>Another person seems to be looking for 4-year awards to help with housing …something coming from the scholarship app that he submitted as an incoming frosh… My older son also got a surprise award his junior year for math. Didn’t apply for that either. </p>

<p>Yes it does seem that physics has some multi-year awards as well.</p>

<p>I found this link on the College of Arts and Sciences page. <a href=“http://www.as.ua.edu/home/advising/scholarships/”>http://www.as.ua.edu/home/advising/scholarships/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>It says


<p>So it does sound like multiple opportunities do exist.</p>

<p>Here is a breakdown by dept.
<a href=“http://www.as.ua.edu/home/advising/college-wide-and-departmental-scholarships/”>http://www.as.ua.edu/home/advising/college-wide-and-departmental-scholarships/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>That’s a long list!</p>

<p>In addition to the Presidential Scholarship, son was awarded a $1,000 German scholarship and just learned he was awarded a $2,000 scholarship from the Culverhouse School of Accountancy for academic achievement. </p>

<p>Congrats on the scholarships!</p>

<p>When people mention other scholarships that their child got from Bama, can they include:</p>

<p>what year the student was when awarded
the amount:
was it one time only or for how many years
was it from the univ or their dept (which dept)
was it a talent award (band, music, forensics, etc)</p>

<p>(copy/paste above and answer).</p>

<p>that may offer more clarity to those looking for more merit as incoming frosh.</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone!</p>

<p>I think the most important thing we have learned about UA is that the departmental scholarships are allowed to stack on top of the university awarded scholarships. Not all schools allow scholarship dollars to stack that way without reducing awards. </p>

<p>I thought S14 had an extra scholarship, but it was a separate award letter for something that was included in another letter. I’m drowning in letters. I need a better filing system! Still in awe at the very nice offer (national merit + engineering). I went to Auburn as did many family members, so I’m still shaking my head in surprise. ;-)</p>

<p>Update: My S just received notification that he is being awarded The [X] Families Honors College Educational Achievement Endowed Scholarship for 2014-15. (He currently has Pres + Eng’g scholarships as well.) So, yes, additional UA scholarships are possible! This is a very unexpected gift. Thank you, UA and UA donors!!!</p>

<p>Congratulations to your S!!!</p>

<p>Congrats! Our"s did, too!</p>