ADHD Assistance? Sports Stats Positions?

<p>Friend’s rising senior son is considering UA. He has the ACT score for the Presidential but not the GPA due to ADHD. She is wondering if UA has programs or assistance for students with ADHD. </p>

<p>Also, her son is very much into sports statistics. He currently manages his high school’s reporting of sports stats to the state. Does anyone know if there are stats positions working with any teams or something like that would interest him? His major will be physics/engineering - looking for a club or post as an EC.</p>

<p>Have her contact the Office of Disability Services ( ) for info on what services and help they offer.</p>

<p>There is definitely help for kids with ADHD. Contact the disabilities office.</p>

<p>I think there are jobs working with the athletic department that he could look into.</p>

<p>Son’s RA for two years was very involved with the basketball team, and maybe that would be an easier position to get into than the football team.</p>

<p>Bama also has a swim team, both male and female, and I know from experience, there is a lot of statistics, number crunching involved in that.</p>

<p>There are also club sports on campus, like the Crew Team, that may also interest him.</p>

<p>Hope this helps!</p>

<p>Bama has assistance for those with ADD/ADHD, Aspergers (Autism spectrum) as well as other issues.</p>

<p>Bama has a ADHD clinic as well.
[ADHD</a> Clinic | CCHS](<a href=“College of Community Health Sciences – | The University of Alabama”>College of Community Health Sciences – | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>I do know that students do stats for teams, but I don’t know how they get those positions.</p>

If your DS wants to get involved with any of UA’s collegiate teams, it is best to contact the assistant or head coaches before Bama Bound with an email or phone call, and then meet with them in person or visit their office after attending Bama Bound activities.
Also, it is best to have a resume handy which details his HS sport involvement when meeting with coaches.</p>

<p>If he is interested in getting involved with the Men’s Basketball Team, let me know and I can direct you with email addresses. My DS is a manager and video editor with Crimson Tide Hoops.</p>

<p>Thanks, everyone. I don’t know the boy in question, only his mom. I don’t know what sports he’s interested in. I’ll pass the info along, though.</p>

<p>The Disabilities office does have assistance for students who qualify and choose to utilize it. Many accomodations are easy for students to use… like taking a test in a quiet area where distractions are minimized. The Student needs to take some iniative to seek services. UA has study skills classes and other support services for ALL students.</p>

<p>They are very specific on the documentation you need for accommodations. And although they are available, I am not sure how easy it is to get the accommodations.</p>