Admission Acceptance?

<p>I got accepted and on MyUW it gives you the choice to accept admission or decline...if I were to click "accept", would it be binding?</p>

<p>My S accepted which led to a down payment of $100. You are not bound per se. Only thing is that the $100 is nonrefundable.</p>

<p>Is the $100 really nonrefundable? I thought it was refundable by May 1st or some such. The Res Halls deposit has been refundable in the past.</p>

<p>Did it late last night and I could swear I read “nonrefundable.” It is a payment to the Enrollment Admissions. It says that it is to hold a place in the incoming class. In that light, I would think that it should be nonrefundable.</p>

<p>$100 is nonrefundable if you decide NOT to attend.</p>

<p>You have a really long time until you must reply back on whether or not you want to go there. Just sit tight for a moment, look at your other options. Maybe other schools will give you more aid, etc. I didn’t turn mine in until Feb last year. (That way if you don’t want to go to Madison, you save $100)</p>

<p>I saw a ten day period online admissions info - site open to the public.</p>

<p>The official letter that came in the mail offering my son admission to UW, states you must accept your offer of Admission by May 1st or within ten days from the date of your admission, whichever is later…So obviously it is May 1st unless your offer of admission comes late in the month of April.</p>

<p>btw $100 deposit will be applied toward tuition if you actually show up. It’s in ur acceptance packet.</p>

<p>Also be sure to do the dorm app right away even if you are unsure of going. All refundable if you do not go but a must to get a room for sure if you do go.</p>

<p>thanks everyone! will i still be able to apply for financial aid/scholarships even if i haven’t made a decision yet?</p>

<p>Yes, and before the deadline.</p>

<p>UW is not as generous on Fin aid. You have to be really poor to get it. For freshman, the merit aid is rare, only to the very top few students.</p>