Admission application?

The application opens July the first, if I remember correctly. Do they need their current class rank for the application? Would it be a bad thing if we calculated the weighted and unweighted GPA ourselves? We sent an email to the GC before school let out and we haven’t heard back. The email was sent out a week and a half before school let out.

I don’t remember if class rank is needed. You can always guess, no biggie. And you can calculate GPAs as well. No biggie, either.

DS didn’t provide rank as his high school didn’t rank its students. He was able to get his transcript sent directly from the school registrar who was still working over the summer break even through the GC was gone.

Thank you both. One more question. Would it be better to go ahead and request a transcript to be sent a week before July 1 or wait until DS actually applies?

Send it now before HS counselors take summer vacation!

Thanks. I wasn’t sure if they would hold a transcript while they waited for the actual application. DS and I are eager beavers in the whole process.

Oh yes…schools are used to getting things out of order. They’ll often get SAT and ACT scores years before the student applies.

FWIW, I’m with you, @bandmomof3 - very eager, and with so much still to do this summer, we’re looking to get things off our to-do list NOW. DS and I put in the transcript request last night for Alabama and Minnesota last night. There will likely be other colleges he’ll apply for, but those two were certainties- so get them done and turned in as soon as possible.

Now to admit my (not-so) secret hope: He’ll fall in love with Alabama during the Honors Academy week this summer, and will return saying: “No need to apply anywhere else- I’m good!”

What if students can’t submit transcripts till much later like >September (stewpid gc rules at hs, e.g.)? Should they send application july 1 and transcripts later?
When is first date student can put in housing deposit?

@aeromom you can send transcripts later. You won’t see an acceptance until admissions sees the transcripts. This year housing application opened October 1.