Admission Chances for Computer Engineering?

I’m a California high school senior currently applying to colleges for computer engineering or computer science. What do you think my chances are at the UCs (LA, SD, SB, Irvine, etc…) with the following credentials:

UW GPA: 3.86
UC GPA: 4.27
SAT: 720 math, 700 reading
ACT: 30 Composite, 35 math, 30 science, 30 English, 25 reading
SAT II: 800 Physics, 790 Math 2

Freshman/Sophomore year classes were all the honors/AP classes I could take (Geo, Bio, English for freshman, Alg2/trig, Chem, English and AP Euro for Sophomore), B in English 9 both semesters, B one semester of geo, everything else As.

In junior year I took precalc H, AP Physics 1, AP Stats, cp everything else, B both semester of Precalc and the rest As.

Senior year I’m taking AP Calc AB, AP Physics C, and AP Computer Science Principles, cp everything else.

I’m a little worried that my junior/senior classes don’t have enough rigor, as I didn’t take AP English or US History as many people do at my school, nor did I take AP Chem or Bio. Also worried that my SAT and ACT scores aren’t too good.

I have about average ECs, maybe a little on the weak side, and pretty good essays

Do I have a decent shot at the UCs and Cal Poly SLO?

Your reported UC GPA puts you in the running for all the UCs. Given what you mentioned, I sort of reversed engineered things and came up with a 4.23 UC GPA. I assumed in 10th and 11th grade that you had 19 As and 3 Bs for your a-g classes, and a total of 8 semesters of honors ( 3 APs and pre-Calc Honors which usually is given as extra weight).

Anyhow, the problem for UCLA and UCB probably will be your SAT and ACT score which is a bit on the low side, especially for engineering and CS. I think you are somewhat ok for the others, even though once again your SAT and ACT are a tad on the low side, and yes your rigor is a tad on the low side also.