Admission (Engineering) criteria for out of state

I am trying to assess my DD’s probability of acceptance. We are out of state, top 25%, 1400 SAT, 7 APs, good extracurriculars.

Does this auto admit apply?

Thanks for any and all feedback.

@mememe1 , a few questions. What are her SAT subscores? Does AIS list her as top 25%? Is her application complete? I ASSUME the academic admit criteria apply to OOS, but maybe someone else can confirm that. Academic admit only applies to admission to the university. Engineering admittance is through a separate holistic review.

Academic admit does apply assuming the sub scores are adequate. Eng review probably takes into account rigour of curriculum. You should already know about uni admit assuming she applied in good time.

What are her sub scores, major, date applied? Does she have calc and physics?