Admission/FA Decisions Announcements on M10

I think last year, the earliest was early March (except for CA and Andover who released decisions through the application portal) and the latest was a few days before M10 (I think this was Choate or St. Paul’s). So yep, a week before M10.

This year though, I’ve already gotten several portals and decision release times. Portals for Miss Porter’s, St. Mark’s, Concord Academy, Hotchkiss, NMH, and Brooks. Release times for Miss Porter’s, Concord Academy, Hotchkiss, and Brooks.

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I think I have a couple already IIRC. If I have time I’ll check emails.

I see an email from Brooks where the AO that she interviewed with told her he anticipated 6:00 am EST but I don’t see anything else without digging deeper than I am able to today. Probably that’s it, the other couple I thought said something it was just “M10 morning”, which we knew was most of them anyway.

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I think @mondaydevil is correct, the schools wait until just before M10 to announce the release times. And although they tend to be similar times to the years before, there are variances.

We have several portals but all of them just say M10 at this point.

My time on Brooks was not officially posted anywhere that I saw, just mentioned in an email to D. My guess is he gave her the historical time, and that the do the same as everyone else and give it officially right before M10.

Ok, I looked back through all of the emails from 4 years ago (aren’t random days off awesome?!), and the earliest we were notified was February 24…with notices coming in as late as March 9. So, I would expect a similar situation this time around.

As I remember it, we got emails about when acceptances would be coming out as early as the beginning of February and as late as… never. All of them came out by 1pm on M10, though, and not a single one came by snail mail. Most were out by 9am. By the information I was able to scavenge off previous acceptance-release-time threads my application cycle, its usually all around the same time, and the majority of schools I have experience with don’t require you to log into their portal to view your result - they just email you.

A word on package notifications - DO NOT RELY ON THEM. Plenty have gone before me, and I’ll reiterate it - whether you set the notifications up or not, they will come or they won’t. Neither outcome ensures acceptance, and checking for them will just become another reason not to sleep that night.

Finally… best of luck, especially to FA applicants!!! I know how cruel the FA decisions can be, especially since they may not be sufficient for your needs. My own decision was ultimately determined by FA. Give the school that loves you a chance, and you may be led to the best future.


Millbrook portal says M10 7:00 am. No idea how long that has been there, I just saw it.

Millbrook’s announcement of when decisions would be on M10 came right when portal info was released.So you got that whenever they received your application I believe @dadof4kids.

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A friend just got a DHL tracking # from Miss Porter’s a few hours ago!