As the title states, what is the general distribution of acceptances/acceptances rates for each grade? On boarding school websites, say for GLADCHEMMS/other top 30 schools, there is usually an overall acceptance rate, but does anyone have any idea on what the breakdown would be? E.g. Milton accepts x freshmen, x sophomores, x juniors, x seniors
I understand this varies between schools, but any insight would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Although for the most part, unless the school specifically provides the information (which most do not) anything posted here is speculation At best you will get the number of admits by grade, but not the acceptance rate per grade.
Not only does it vary by school (some have more beds for sophomores ), it can also vary by year. Schools may have room in one year as a result of attrition (both forced and voluntary), current numbers (which can be influenced by yield the previous year) etc. Your best bet is to ask during your interview.
@Andoverguy last year most schools said it was most competitive year with the highest number of applicants, but what does that really mean, in the grand scheme of things? There are thousand plus applications for a few hundred spots, or even less…for most of the schools that are popular on CC… to top the application numbers by 25, 50, 100 more really doesn’t change the acceptance odds too much. Hence, the suggestions by many posters to look for hidden gems. But, as @AllSmiles2 wrote in another post…you put the best you forward…now go think about something else until M10. Everything happens for a reason and we all pull for y’all to find the perfect school for you!
I remember Milton accepting 25 or so students in sophomore year (I asked my AO about it), but that’s all I know. Andover accepts 70-80 (sophomore year as well) from what I’ve seen on their website.