Admission question for Frost Students

New member to CC. THE [][] is far and away my No. 1 choice. My question is how heavily does THE [][] rely on grades and test results for talented potential Frost students? Currently, I am a Junior in H.S., and I play the piano, and am the pianist for my H.S. Varsity Jazz band (which is nationally recognized). Also, I am the pianist for a Caleb Chapman band (also Nationally recognized) that will be touring the U.K. this summer. My grades in H.S. are pretty good (3.5 unweighted), and I have ACT scores of 30 in math, 30 in english, 29 in science and 25 in reading. Not only am I hoping to get into Frost, but I would like to be offered some type of scholarship. How important are grades as opposed to say my musical talent, audition, tape, etc.?

You must qualify for admission to both the University of Miami and the Frost School of Music so your grades do matter. Your GPA and test scores should fall into the range of accepted students. If UM is the school you want to attend you should definitely apply because of course there are many differences from each applicant that come into play. There is a YOUTUBE video of the Frost School of Music Director of Admissions discussing the process of admission - you may be interested in viewing. Good Luck!!

Thanks. I retook the ACT and did a bit better in both science and reading. I am hoping that with the improved scores, along with my musical resume’, I will be a Hurricane in the Fall 2017!

Your audition is the biggest factor for Frost.