what are my chances of getting into miami's frost school of music?

<p>GPA- 3.5

<p>Extracurricular activities- varsity football and varsity hockey
Musical Experience- Playing guitar for 6 years, play piano and bass guitar.
Other Musical Skills- recording, producing.
Work Experience- working 2 years (so far) as a party host at one of NJ's biggest party venues
Community Service- 50 hours while being a counselor in training at a summer camp
Interesting ideas for essay however they concern personal problems, but overall, do you guys think I have any chance?</p>

<p>it all depends on how good you are at your instrument…grades dont really matter much for frost. if you perform well ur in. if not…no</p>

<p>But you have a good shot at getting into Miami regular</p>

<p>I was not aware that grades did not matter as much for Frost. Is this a known fact?</p>



<p>I think what Wneckid99 is saying is that admissions into the Performance Major at Frost will be much more dependent on your audition rather than your grades. This is true for most performance majors at most any school. The truth is that depending on the instrument and the reputation of the school, getting admitted based on an audition is much tougher than getting admitted based on academics.</p>

<p>That said, academics still matter. Universities with schools of music don’t want students coming in for performance then switching over to the regular college after a semester as a way to “backdoor” the process, (A while back in the Music Major Forum there was a lively discussion about a student who had been admitted by The School of Music at Northwestern but denied admission because of a poor academic record).</p>

<p>If you’re applying for production you’ll be scrutinized based on your experiences and your academics (which are fine). If you’re auditioning for performance your academics will matter less but will still play a role.</p>

<p>Well you prove a very valid point. I am applying for a composition major in contemporary guitar. Would they look at my musical ability more than they would at my academic achievements?</p>

<p>What does the website say about Composition admissions? I think that a 3.5/2000 is a competitive profile for Miami academically. Assuming they like your composition submissions, I think your fine. Are you worried about your academics or your songs?</p>

<p>I am worried about the academics, the music I am not (not in a conceited way) that worried about. It only says that I need a high academic profile, doesn’t say too much.</p>


Do you happen to know what GPA and experience they would be looking for in an applicant for the Recording Technology Music degree? My son is interested in UMiami.</p>

<p>I don’t have a specific answer for you AtomicGirl. I have no experience with Miami (Frost), my knowledge is from the experiences of an extended family member who applied to string performance programs. Generally speaking it seems that applicants need to be at least around the 50th%-tile academically. After that there are adjustments made for experience and talent. A lot of experience and a great portfolio probably allows you to be weaker academically. The flip side is that if you’re light on experience then academics will have to play a bigger role. Regardless of experience, much like a recruited athlete, I’d start to get nervous if academically you’re at or below the 25th%-tile.</p>

<p>The latest numbers aren’t up yet, but recently the 50th%-tile has been about a 3.5 GPA with 1900 SATs, (I have no GPA number, but the latest 25th%-tile SAT was 1740). I haven’t visited the Frost page for Recording Technology, they may be able to give you some hints on how they weight the admissions process.</p>

<p>Speaking as a newly committed Cane for Music Engineering Technology:</p>

<p>Generally, your grades don’t really matter for the Music School, especially at a school with as high academics as UM. If you can get into the university, you won’t be denied to Frost based on academics. </p>

<p>I hope that answered your question.</p>