<p>Hey, I also applied to and was accepted to UT-Austin out-of-state into its McCombs business school as well as into UT’s Plan II Honors Program–and Rice (obviously I chose Rice over UT). With Texas’ top 10% law, competition for out-of-state students to get into UT-Austin is extremely high, and I would say it’s more competitive than UVA or UNC out-of-state admissions, just because 90% of UT’s student body are TX students.</p>
<p>Did your son apply for Plan II? If he got into Plan II, he has an excellent shot of getting into Rice. Also, which school did he apply to? McCombs (business) is the most difficult, I hear. What major/field is he looking into?</p>
<p>Just to let you know, financial aid and scholarships aside (both of which unfortunately I did not qualify for, but perhaps you have a different financial situation), it actually cost more money for me to attend UT out of state than Rice (not that it ultimately came down to those two schools, but since you are asking about those two schools). </p>
<p>The atmospheres are entirely different - you’re looking at a 51,000+ student body (including grad students, just undergrad is ~39k) at UT and impersonal classes and lots of competition (depends on the specific school within UT) versus 3,000 undergrads (it’s 5,000 including grads) at a very personal and undergraduate-oriented environment at Rice. Lots of other differences, including Greek life vs. residential college system, huge sports scene vs. not so big of a sports scene, college town vs. urban sprawl, etc.</p>
<p>I think the sheer magnitude of UT’s enormous student body vs. Rice’s comparatively tiny liberal-arts-esque environment is the most staggering difference between the two schools, but that’s just my two cents.</p>
<p>If your son is considering applying to Rice, he should definitely take a look. Except… the deadline for applications has already past - does that mean he’s already applied to Rice? If he didn’t apply to Rice, I don’t see the point of visiting it (I’m assuming he’s a senior now, so it’s too late now). But if he’s applied to Rice and wants to compare it to UT, I would HIGHLY suggest visiting both campuses. I know visiting Rice was what clinched it for me.</p>