Admissions at UW to get more interesting

<p>Not to mention more controversial. This is the headline story in today's Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, the state's largest paper. Suffice it to say it highlights some of the same issues I have mentioned lately: too little space, too many qualified applicants, the contentious arguments about the appropriate bases for discriminating among those applicants, and legislative hostility. </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Madison has been using the proposed approach for years. With the Gov supporting the approach there will be no change. Nass is losing power with every anti-UW press release as people are sick of him. The System has room for all students--just not in Madison.</p>

<p>If only UW-Parkside or UW-Waukesha were UW-Madison, all could be happy. Alas, it is not the case.</p>