<p>So did anyone get that email that had a likely letter saying you got in, then at the very bottom, it said "Early April Fool's"? I know not everyone got it, so could it be a sign if we did get this email? It got my hopes up, but then I got crushed when I read the April Fool's part.</p>
<p>Pretty sure this is not from harvard. There are all sorts of e-mail emulators and fakers.</p>
<p>My friends sent me a hard copy fake :(</p>
<p>I bet it’s fake; the Harvard adcoms wouldn’t do something like that.</p>
<p>It had the Harvard background and email address, and it had so many details. It was way too elaborate for one of my friends to have done it. Maybe MIT students hacked in. They are, after all, rivals with Harvard. I’m not the only one though. I know 2 others got it.</p>
<p>There is a website that autogenerates it. And it’s easy to copy the same e-mail address and format.</p>
<p>I HIGHLY doubt the admissions office sends out april fools likely letters… this late.</p>
<p>Yesterday there was a thread about sending your friends prank likelies.</p>
<p>Looks like ya’ll got pranked.</p>
<p>lol,I guess ppl actually sent those pranks!!</p>
<p>I sent one to myself yesterday, just to see what it looked like, and it hasn’t come yet. Apparently even the fake email realizes I have no chance at Harvard, lol.</p>
<p>So i sent myself a fake yesterday, and I forgot about it. And when I came to check my email 3 hours later I started screaming and jumping up and down before I remembered that I had sent a fake to myself. When my parents came in to see what was going on, I was blushing…</p>