Admited Chicago student who needs a reality check

<p>Okay I know I spelled admitted wrong, my one t key is kind of stuck in an awkward position on my laptop :D</p>

<p>I applied and got into Chicago early action, which I am really excited about. I stopped working on all my other applications (northwestern and notre dame) since I've always wanted to attend chicago. Well, like a fool, I delve into college reviews and even though I've read a plethora of positive ones for Chicago, I can't help being put off by the people who say Chicago is no fun, will cause you to contemplate suicide, and won't get you a job anywhere.
I either want to work out of college in a political field, or attend a prestigious law school. (and not have killed myself in the process) Could someone just tell me I'm ridiculous, that Chicago will be a good time, and Northwestern is not a better option than chicago?</p>



<p>Who are these people? Are they current students?</p>

<p>I was reading the us news, college prlower, and a cornucopia of other sites where students post reviews. I think a majority of them were from about five- ten years ago and I know chicago was much different then.
I was accepted to a state university where I could get lots of credit from aps, party and take classes, but I just know that I’d be much more challenged and engaged at chicago.</p>


Isn’t this the reason why you applied to UChicago? Then, don’t worry, be happy.</p>

<p>You are absolutly right, I guess it’s like an acceptance panic. Thank you!</p>

<p>Dear runnerchick11,</p>

<p>Yeah, so basically last year, I held a similar impression about the school. Namely, that it was no fun and that you had to work really (REALLY) hard for your grades. I’m happy to tell you that it is not the case. </p>

<p>There are parties, as one would expect, at frats, dorms, etc. And, the people are interesting and nice to talk to. (Well, at least most of the people I’ve met.) As for your specific question about careers/jobs, you should check out either <a href=“Home | CareerAdv”>Home | CareerAdv; or come out to one of the admit weekends, to get a more personal answer by one of the people who run the program. </p>

<p>Lastly, regarding work, it depends, but I think as someone who really does like Chicago’s life of the mind spirit, you could probably come up with the corresponding/ “right” workload for your interests and available time. If you have questions about any particular courses, the respective academic advisor or departmental heads, I’m sure, would be happy to answer any of your questions. </p>

<p>In short, you should definately consider Chicago as I think in general, many of the negative stigmas about the place have been either improved or completely reversed, and of course for the initial reasons that led you to apply in the first place. </p>

<p>-first year at the college</p>

<p>P.S. Your comment about the change in times (5-10 years ago) is, I believe, extremely relevant. You don’t know how many times, in reviews or by word of mouth, that I’ve heard things like: Chicago is no fun, people study all the time, or even job placement lacks comparitively. Only a decade ago, the reality of these assertions may have held some ground or be completely validated. But as I said before, the place is changing/ has changed and if you do eventually come to Chicago next year, you hopefully will be pleasantly surprised. </p>

<p>Maybe in a few years, the school might get a different round of reviews that accurately describe the state of the campus now, haha.</p>

<p>People think of change happening over many years but if the AdCom makes any drastic changes in admission policy (for which they don’t really have to offer any reasons to the general public) the composition of the college can change completely in as little as 4 years.</p>