admitted students open house

<p>I was recently admitted to CC and am considering attending the open house. I'm pretty shy and am worried that it'll be a little overwhelming all at once, any thoughts? Also, I know parents are welcome to come but do they usually, or do most students go alone? I'd love some info, thanks!</p>

<p>The open house is meant to be fun and informative. You’ve already been accepted so you have nothing to prove. I recommend you get a detailed schedule of open house events so you’ll know what to expect. Call or email the admissions office if you have specific questions.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that every other kid will be going through the same new experience as you. Many people have anxieties about something, whether it’s traveling on an airplane, driving, meeting people, public speaking, … dogs, insects, … whatever. They just express those anxieties differently. If you smile and candidly admit you’re a little overwhelmed, that should resonate with half the kids around you (and may help put them at ease). Anyway, the entering class would be pretty weird if it were made up of 500 back-slapping extroverts. </p>

<p>There is a lot to do at Colorado College. Outdoor activities (hiking, etc.) can be great for an introverted person because you don’t have to talk too much to have a good time.</p>

<p>DS is attending the Admitted Students day next week. He’s excited about it, but a bit nervous as well. He’s also kind of shy, so you won’t be the only one feeling overwhelmed!</p>

<p>I’m going to attend as well because we haven’t seen the college yet and, well, if we’re spending that much money, I want to check it out myself!</p>

<p>Our son is revisiting on his own as we are very familiar with the school but he wants to check out the school from an admitted students perspective and meet his fellow classmates.</p>

<p>My S (2007 CC grad) did all visits alone both pre- and post acceptance. My personal opinion is that YOU are going to be in college at CC alone (sans parents) and you might as well start the learning/adjustment curve now. But, that is a personal call.</p>

<p>My S is a “reasonable” introvert, imo. He found CC to be a fabulous experieince.</p>

<p>As an aside, I, on the other hand, am an over-the-top extrovert who tries to rein myself in when involved in anything that is actually my S’s “thing.” That is one reason that I was not going to go to these pre-freshman move-in events. </p>

<p>I can imagine that being an introvert with a full-blown extrovert parent in tow is not a pleasant thought or experience for the introvert.</p>

<p>I am from NY and since airfare so expensive, I went alone to a 2 night overnight. I am some what shy too so I was apprehensive about going alone. I was pleasantly surprised by how friendly everyone was! Granted admitted student day is going to be different than an ordinary sit in on a class and overnight, I would not be apprehensive about being shy. You are going to be surrounded by people who love CC as much as you and plus, the freshmen love prospies! If you are worried about being overwhelmed by the sheer amount of people at the open houses, I would recommend going a different weekend. I had sooo much fun and truly got a feel for the campus and the wonderful, laid-back CC student body. If you go a different weekend then the open houses, I would try to go alone, partly because you are going to ditch your parent so much to hang out with the students so your parent is going to be awkwardly alone. I can not say enough great things about my overnight!! I cannot wait to go to CC next year.</p>

<p>Did anyone here go to the Open House last week? How was it?</p>

<p>DS and I attended. It was okay, but not great. My ds went in wanting to love it, but frankly, they could have done several things better. For example, ds was doing the overnight and, as it turned out, his host had sports practice. DS met him and then never saw him again until the next day for about two minutes. That meant that my son had to wander around by himself for an hour and a half until the next activity. Hard for a shy guy. Then the next day, he was placed in a mock class, not a real one. It was okay, but not great. Then the professor let them out at 10:30, so again he had an hour and a half of dead time until the next activity.</p>

<p>He did have fun after dinner doing some of the activities with other admitted students on Thursday night. The main group activities didn’t start until midnight and ds was just too tired at that point. I talked to several other parents and kids who said the same thing.</p>

<p>So, it wasn’t bad, but it didn’t really do an awesome job of selling the school. Still think it’s an awesome place, beautiful setting and great academics, but the event was a let-down.</p>

<p>That’s unfortunate. DS2 and I are attending the Open House today, so I hope it turns out a little better for us. We attended 2 years ago for DS1 and were very impressed.</p>