Adroit Journal Summer Mentorship Program 2020

hi everybody!! i’m applying again after getting rejected last year (i’m a sophomore now and i’ve been working on my fiction a lot in the past year so i’m applying first choice fiction and second choice poetry). idk, i won a gold key for poetry and a gold key for fiction from scholastics this year but haven’t won anything else since applying. i hope maybe they think i’ve improved :confused:

anyway, i emailed them a few of the questions posted on here because i couldn’t find answers on the website and peter responded back:

"Thanks so much for your interest in the mentorship program! Happy to tackle your questions:

  1. Admissions aren't rolling this year, just our evaluation of applications. We read apps and vote them up or down for further consideration on a rolling basis, but we won't be deciding on actual cohort seats among the group of apps we're excited about until after all applications have been received and read.I recognize that saying we "read applications on a rolling basis" is a bit confusing so I won't be including that in future marketing blasts about the program. Sorry about that!
  2. While we hope those we accept into the program will be able to participate, participation definitely is not binding! Historically, we have not had to dip into the waitlist much (if at all), but with tuition as a factor and especially with everything up in the air with COVID-19, we are expecting that some who apply and are accepted may not ultimately be able to participate. We will definitely have a waitlist this year and look forward to making any seats that open up available to selected students from the waitlist.
  3. When we advise "tell us why this program" in our guidelines for the writer's statement, we're effectively asking you to potentially explore some or all of the following questions: 1) What specifically about Adroit's program (unlike Iowa, Kenyon, etc.) piques your interest? 2) What sort of relationship (if any) do you have to Adroit and its previous issues? Do you have favorite poems or stories that have appeared in our pages? etc. At the end of the day, we're looking to put together a cohort of students that we believe are ready to thrive. Please feel free to reference any awards, publications, etc. particularly as they're relevant to anything else you're saying/demonstrating -- but you're correct in assuming that awards/experience does not make the difference at the end of the day. All successful applicants clearly expressed their passion for writing, as well as what drives them to write -- and it felt authentic and honest. That, if anything, is the common denominator in successful apps.
  4. You can participate in the mentorship alongside other writing programs like Iowa, Kenyon, Penn, etc., yes.
  5. If you're applying in multiple genres, you can use up to 8-12 pages for each genre and both should be in the writing sample. We consider both genres independent of their ranking on your app until the final stage -- so students can make it to the final round for one or both of the genres to which they applied and then we look at expressed preferences from there.

Let me know if you have any further questions. Looking forward to your app, and thanks again. And stay safe!!

  • Peter"

oh god my writers’ statement is so awful but i’m hoping my submission will make up for it. anyone else in the same boat?

@mrcolumbiahopeful04 This is so helpful, thank you so much!!! :smiley:

Also, if you got gold keys in not one, but BOTH of those categories, then I’m sure you’re an amazing writer! I wouldn’t be too worried :wink:

A question for the group: is there a groupme or other chat for applicants to the program?

@saintanford I already submitted my app lmao and I’m too scared to reread my writer’s statement because I know I’d cringe so hard

aw thank you @cheesepanda!! i hope they agree lol but i’m not expecting much. it’s so selective lmaooo

Hello! I’m currently in eighth grade going into ninth grade. Does anyone know if I can apply for the Adroit Mentorship?

@PretzelKoala no, i believe you have to currently be in 9-12th grade :frowning:

@saintanford Same! I freaked out about the rolling thing and submitted my application super early, which I’m really regretting now… I wish I’d been a lot more specific in my statement. I hope my writing sample makes up for it!

i literally made a cc just to join this thread :slight_smile: i’m so daunted by the mentorship program’s selectivity to the point where i haven’t even started my statement bc i don’t even know what i’d talk about :confused: what kind of strategies/approaches tend to work for this? is there a certain style of writing that they tend to accept/prefer? it’s such a cool program but i don’t know how to express that aah anyways best of luck to you guys!

also @bluets could you maybe pm me, as i’d love to talk to you but i don’t think i have the option to pm? thank you sm!

@momentsilence i did! and no problem

When I attatch files to the submittable app, I can’t open them on my end, is this normal? Also, by " If you wish to apply to more than one genre, please include two complete writing samples in one file, one for each genre, with your second-choice genre following the first." does that mean that you keep them all together in one document?

@bluets could you pm me also? i have a question but I cant pm, sorry haha!

Guys please answer my previous one!!! I’m freakin out a little

@bluets ??? you seem to know things

@ecophobiology sure! feel free to ask me questions on the thread too, since I’m sure lots of people have similar questions!

@AvocadoOptemist lol I’m just an alum, so I know a bit but please don’t consider my advice universal! I’m just going off my experiences

Don’t freak out! If you think there’s any issues, the Adroit staff is very friendly and will answer any questions you email them. In my experience, the Submittable thing is normal and I wouldn’t worry about it. And I only applied in one genre, so I don’t feel qualified to answer that second question. I think you keep all samples together in one document, but I highly suggest emailing the Adroit staff to confirm :smile: Good luck with your application! Stay calm, I know you’re going to do great :heart:

How important is the transcript? @bluets

@AvocadoOptemist I wouldn’t think it’s that important, given the fact that it’s optional

@cheesepanda afaik there’s no discord for it yet. would anyone be interested in joining if i made one?

also i’m planning on submitting my app tonight and i’m more relieved than nervous lmao. can’t wait to not have to worry about it anymore

AH! I just submitted. No going back now, lads.


Yeah, I’d be up for a discord! It’d be awesome to meet other young writers bc almost nobody at my school is a writer :confused:

Also, congrats to everyone on submitting their apps! Good luck to everyone!! :slight_smile: