Adroit Journal Summer Mentorship Program 2020

@VictoriaNorma sure! can’t dm on cc, so if you give me your discord id i can dm you on there?

i would like to join the discord server too! would @inflorescent mind dming me a link (or perhaps posting it on here if that’s allowed)?

@inflorescent that sounds awesome, my discord id is ameizing_me#3212

Do you mind sending me a DM as well?

@momentsilence I planned to apply, and then withdrew my application before the deadline because something else came up over the summer, but would you mind messaging me your on discord as well? totally understand if you’re not okay with that. congrats!!

@momentsilence can u share ur piece w me too? i got rejected for fiction and I’m super interested in what an accepted piece looked like:) my discord is tangerineclock

@libraryyy @tangerineclock

sure! i think i need your full discord id to message you - my discord is sun#8968 if you just want to message me directly on there

@inflorescent this is late but i would love to join a writer’s discord! My discord id is Lizard#7529.

@inflorescent I’d love to join as well! Can u pm me the discord link?

@inflorescent This is very late, but I would love to join a writer’s discord. @bioluminescent7 Is it possible for you to share your poetry writer’s statement? I applied for poetry this year, and felt that the writer’s statement was definitely the weakest part of my application. Can u both DM me? Thanks!

I like polyphony but tbh it feels a little classless to turn an adroit thread into a recruiting opportunity for polyphony lol - but maybe just me?

@mrcolumbiahopeful04 I don’t think anyone’s plugging Polyphony…

@AvocadoOptemist oh there was a post above mine from polyphony advertising their summer program but I think they deleted it? Unclear lmao

Woah I’m very late to this thread, but I’m a student that’s trying to get into poetry! Does someone mind DMing me the link to the discord? @inflorescent

Is the discord still exists/is still active? I want to join too but for the 2022 mentorship.