Adroit Journal Summer Mentorship Program 2020

@inflorescent that sounds interesting, i’ll check it out! thanks!

i just got in for fiction! am shaking…

Congrats everyone who got in, that’s amazing! I got rejected for poetry, anyone know similar programs online (poetry or fiction)? I’m open to any programs they don’t need to be well known I’d just really like someone who can help me edit and improve my work.

Hi ya’ll!
Welp, I’m part of the coolest squad around, the reject squad. Genuinely I really just wanted the experience of interacting with a writer and working to better my own writing. I feel like many of you feel the same way. Would any of you be interested in forming some sort of summer writing group? It wouldn’t be anything too fancy, mainly just a group that would meet maybe two to three times a week to share writing progress and motivate one another to continue. Just a thought.

@momentsilence wow congratulations on getting in! i got rejected for fiction, but do you mind maybe sharing the piece you submitted with me, i kinda just wanna see what an accepted piece looks like :confused:
again, its really amazing that you got in even though it’s so competitive! congrats!!

@amarantaursula aiiiiiight lesgetit reject squad! i’d be open to joining like a feedback group like a discord although idk what my schedule will be like now that I don’t have adroit…haha

@yeontannie @amarantaursula I don’t know if any of you guys happen to be in it already, but we started a Discord server for Adroit applicants a little while ago! we were thinking of creating some mini sort of lit mag or workshop program over the summer, if you guys want me to DM you a link

@inflorescent Can you please DM me the link? Thank you so much!

@inflorescent could you also dm me the link? kinda bummed from getting rejected, but i’d love to join a writers discord!

@inflorescent Can u also DM me the link to the discord? I’d love to interact with y’all, especially after getting rejected lol

@violettree thank you sm, and yeah ofc! i don’t think i can dm you on cc or vice versa since we’re both new members so if you give me your discord id or anything else, i can dm you on there?

@momentsilence Hey would you also mind sharing your fiction piece with me? I got rejected for fiction today and just want to see how I could improve my work.

@inflorescent Hey can you share the discord link with me too? I would love to take part in a project like that

@momentsilence thank you! my discord id should be chi ツ#8432
to be honest i’m not sure if that’s right since i’m not super familiar with discord (i just copied my username) but thank youu :))

@galactoc sure, pm me!

also the discord server slaps yall should join!

@inflorescent i would def love to be in that discord server! do you think i could get the link too?

@inflorescent hey could you DM me the link for the discord server? i’d love to join and talk with you guys since I also got rejected

Congrats everyone who got in! Rejected but it’s cool you all are planning workshop groups, I’d love to join! @inflorescent would you be able to dm the link? And @momentsilence if you could dm me the accepted piece as well I’d really appreciate it! Thank you :smile:

hey i would love to join a discord server as well @inflorescent, would you mind sharing the link as well?

@bioluminescent7 hi, do you think I could see your writers sample?
I got rejected this year :frowning: