Advice always welcome

<p>Hey guys, so i accepted UCSD's admissions and now i need(<--"need" is the biggest understatement ever) to find a job in the area; i've applied to sears, bestbuy, 24 hour fitness and a couple other big stores but the thing is that i don't live in the area so i don't know where else to apply and i can only apply through online apps; can anyone give me any suggestions? I will probably try to find a Home Depot and a Kinkos, but i am running out of places to apply. someone recommended to look in the "utc" area for jobs, but those all seem like restaurant jobs, which is fine, but i can't apply online to them. Any advice is always welcome
Thanks again,

<p>You can apply online to CPK, Borders, Lucilles ( I think) and a few other resturants. Just go to the website of chain places and see if they offer an online app. Many do these days.</p>

<p>Try to apply to places where you can just go and talk directly to the manager, or somewhere where the application is on paper instead of online. That usually works faster. Right now a restaurant might be your best bet.</p>