<p>Are there any jobs on campus that pays decently well and has flexible hours? Also, I don't have work study if that matters at all.</p>
<p>No there are none, nobody ever works on campus and if they do its full time 80 hours a week. Is this a joke?</p>
<p>Well most jobs aren’t so flexible so thats why im asking. Can someone point me to a site or something?</p>
<p>Googleee before we all die!!!1111 !!</p>
<p>all on-campus jobs are pretty flexible…</p>
<p>Stop by the office on the second floor of Kerckhoff. All ASUCLA jobs work around your class schedule.</p>
<p>^Well im at home(Norcal) during the break. If i go the first week, would i still get a job? Better yet, would i be able to contact them over the break to reserve a job for winter?</p>
<p>You could try here - [ASUCLA:</a> UCLA Store, Restaurants, Student Union, Student Governments and more services of the Associated Students](<a href=“http://www.asucla.ucla.edu/jobs/student.asp]ASUCLA:”>http://www.asucla.ucla.edu/jobs/student.asp)</p>
<p>When you apply there’s a place you copy and paste your resume into. I’m not sure you could reserve a job for winter, but perhaps you could set up an interview for when you get back? Unless they do a phone interview - you could always try calling =) Best of luck!</p>
<p>Is it too late to apply to UCLA Dining Services for winter quarter?</p>
<p>Guys, in food service, there’s hella turnover. It’s pretty easy to get a job in food service any time of the year.</p>
<p>At least in the dining hall, schedules are very flexible and they don’t care to add (or drop) a student worker. You can even work one day per week if you want.</p>