Hey CC! I’m a Freshman in highschool and I just wanted to get some feedback from you all about areas of my schedule/extra curriculars that could use improvement. I know I’m young, but I want to be proactive in preparing for college 
Freshman Schedule:
Accelerated Biology/Chemistry
Survey of the Performing Arts
Honors US History
Accelerated Algebra2/Geometry
Religion I
Honors English I
Honors Spanish II
Sophomore Schedule:
Honors World History
Religion II
Presentational Communications
Accelerated Geometry/ Trigonometry
Accelerated Chemistry/ Physics
IB Spanish SL I
Y Club
Spanish Club
Teens Fighting Cancer
Member of the Teen Board and Volunteer at a local children’s hospital
Seems like you have a lot of stuff here. If you can handle it all, great, but I would suggest finding a few extracurriculars that you are really passionate about and sticking with them. Since you’re still a freshman, you can explore your options, but don’t try to juggle too many balls at once. Also, that’s a lot of classes you’re taking; are some of them one semester?
Aside from that, good luck in high school! 
Looks awesome! My biggest advice to you is to stand out and be a leader. I started my own thermos drive for the local soup kitchen in 8-9 grade, and it’s something I still talk about today in interviews for different programs. I also started my own club in 10-12 grade. I like that you’re taking piano. Maybe you could set up a club at your school that is a type of chorus that sings at the children’s hospital once a month. You could have meetings all month preparing for the small concert, and organize all of your trips, and then you could go to the hospital and provide a fun concert with refreshments, and take some time afterwards to hang out with the kids. Something like that! Take your interests, be proactive, and be a leader. It will reallllyyy stand out and give you a leg-up on other applicants for college. Anything is possible- don’t take no for an answer!