advice for applying to production or similar

<p>I will be applying next year into production with a few back ups (critical studies? if i am understanding this right). While I do not have arts weighted heavily in my transcript I have tons of leadership and am a Native American. I hope that this will help my chances in admission to the program...</p>

<p>I also have produced many videos for my school throughout high school for Student council events (in which i am heavily involved). </p>

<p>Does this even come close to what they are looking for in Production? I have an okay ACT score but I am hoping to get it to a 30 or above so I know that USC isnt a lock. </p>

<p>Thanks all and i would appreciate any advice</p>

<p>I suggest you see if you can enter any of your videos into contests, even if for your school district. There should be a section on the application which says “awards, honors”. I am not involved with the Cinema school, but it seems reasonable that having any awards or honors with your video works will help your application.</p>

<p>Thank you mdissp…I think that list will be very minimal, but I am a good writer so I plan on writing one of the cinetmatic short essay things very well…but my portfolio may be weaker than most…does that almost completely kill my parents?</p>

<p>Hi Nate,
For production, you will be sending the equivalent of a creative CV on which you will get to list every single video you produced and very briefly describe it and your role in getting it made. You will also get to list every other creative activity whether or not it shows up on your transcript. If you paint, or do photography, or play bass in a garage band, or write poetry, or act in school plays, it “counts.” Also, as I understand it, your writing in the application essays is very important. If you are a good story teller, it is going to help immensely. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thank you so much Nester! I know its probably a long shot for anybody but i know i would LOVE the program if i got in.</p>

<p>If you have a lot of leadership experience, use that as your key card. Play up on the fact that a large number of positions on set require managerial/leadership skills - producer, production management, UPM, AD, director… even the Key Grip or Key Production Assistant has to know how to delegate tasks.</p>

<p>It’s true what they’ve been telling you your whole life, that leadership experience helps you get ahead in this world, no matter what career path you choose, almost.</p>

<p>You can apply to only 1 back-up major at 'SC as an incoming freshman.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Thank you makkuroi…leadership is definitely big on my resume. I will definitely take into account what you said. I really appreciate the advice! Thanks!</p>