Advice for L&L subject change

I am in 11th grade right now and I am looking for some advice on subject change.
So basically my IB first-term transcript looks like this:
L&L HL 5
History HL 6
Math HL 7
Spanish ab intio SL 7
Global Politics SL 7

I am thinking about changing my L&L to SL and Global Politics to HL, since my L&L grade looks bad and there is no much difference between GloPo SL and HL; however my L&L teacher suggested me to change to English B. I am not a native speaker and have got relatively okay SAT(2200 for the old one) and TOEFL scores(109 three years ago). Although IB is totally different from those standardized exams, I still feel I do not need to go to English B. So now I have three options:

  1. Staying in HL - need to work really hard and I guess a 6 is possible? since I really didn’t spent much time on L&L in the first term
  2. Changing to SL - need to catch up for the whole term since the teacher is different; a lot of work; probably suits me better. Would this look bad on my transcript?
  3. Changing to English B - will get a 7 for sure. I don’t think it is challenging enough for me

I probably will major in International Relations/ Journalism in university.

I would be really grateful for your advice!!!