<p>I’m a high school junior hoping to enter the academy. I found this site am hoping I could get some advice on improving my chances for a nomination. </p>
<p>Some background. I have a weighted 4.0 taking multiple APs in my small school this year. I believe I will do above average (for accepted cadets) on my SAT, and believe all my academics are right where they are needed for the USAFA.</p>
<p>Extracurricular activities, I might be lacking. Last year I played football and basketball, but didn’t this year due to a tough academic schedule. Being from a small school (390 kids) there are not many after school than sports. I hope this will not hurt my application. looking for suggestions, also leadership ideas would be greatly appreciated. </p>
<p>Seriously though, just browse through this forum for a while. This same question has been answered many times. (Speaking of which, I think I’ll put together an FAQ since the same handfull of questions are asked in about 90% of the threads…)</p>
<p>07PETKO, I’ve been looking around this forum for a little bit but haven’t seen much on advice. I’d imagine sports is the ideal activity, but what do you do as an example?</p>
<p>I got this from my ALO. It’s what 2012ers lettered in.
Football 22%
Basketball 9%
Baseball 10%
Track 27%
Swimming 10%
Soccer 16%</p>
<p>To my knowledge, there isn’t a specific sport that is looked upon more favorably. All they want to see is commitment and dedication to multiple activities. Some sports (aerobic ones, cross-country, swimming, track) will have their own way of helping you once you’re at altitude! The real thing they want is involvement.</p>
<p>The presenters at a West Point presentation we attended were pretty direct in stating that they were more interested in team sports participation. I don’t recall if Navy or USAFA stated anything other than participation in sports was one of the factors that they took into consideration.</p>
<p>You can show leadership in alot of ways go down to a local spca or middle school and volunteer or even start some sort of club at your high school that will interest you and other people at your high school. if you cant find actual leadership positions then volunteering and such can show your not a “follower” and take your own initiative. i kinda sound like my dad now…scary stuff lol</p>
<p>Ya the academics look good…the congressman that nominated me said they look favorably on religious ledership too. So if you are a christian then get involved in the leadership at your youth group. also “President”, “VP”, or “head chair” ~of anything~ are looked upon very favorably.</p>
<p>I am hoping to enter as a '13er this july.
Best of luck to you See u in august '10 pawling</p>
<p>Oh one more thing…really want it!! don’t just go because someone else (parents) want you too or you want free college!! For your sake…go because you want to!</p>
<p>Ya I come from a small school too (220 kids K-12) We don’t have that many activities or extracurriculars. But here is what I do and apparently Rep Ralph Hall liked it, I know my ALO (academy liaison officer) was impressed.</p>
<p>Vice president of student council
-head of administration for events
-liaison to the board of directors of the school
-head chair of all schoolwide commitees
Prayer team co-leader
Karate instructor for the little ones
Basketball Team (only sport at our school)
Student leader at youth group
Bass player in youth band
PIC of weekly videos at youth group
Missions trips to Peru, Mexico, and Mississippi
In charge of trash pick up on our adopt-a-highway
Part time job at grocery store (22 hours a week) </p>
<p>The only problem is i have a 3.8 GPA. Don’t take my word for it but they prefer someone who can keep a rigorous schedule whiile maintaining a relatively high GPA.
Like you said they like packed schedules (from what i’ve heard i’m still a civilian senior)
If people trust you make sure you note that. its very important to be honest and upright in everything you do…everything
side note…I personally befriended my principal and now whenever she needs something done with students she comes to me.
If your school is only high school and you thinnk its big enough try starting an FCA (fellowship for christian athletes)
Many honors courses…good</p>
<p>Thanks for all the feedback. I will definitely get into more extracurriculars to boost my chance. I know all this is important, but do they consider SAT subject tests? I’ve done good on them in the past and plan on taking more. Since educations is the biggest factor according to their chart, will it help my chances?</p>
<p>Nope. SAT subject scores are probably looked at, but do not factor into your admissions file, at least when they look at test scores.
A 3.8 gpa IS a relatively high gpa, depending upon your school. People who go to difficult schools and achieve lower GPAs have come here, so the number doesn’t matter as long as your high school course load was demanding. Academics is the highest weighted factor in coming here.</p>