Advice from past or present Biomedical Engineer: Premed students/Premed students in general?

Hi everyone!

I just recently got accepted into UCI as a transfer student for Biomedical Engineering: Premed as my major. I went to community college at Saddleback College/Irvine Valley College for 4 semesters (2 years) and was shocked to be able to transfer so quickly for this major. I worked my butt off throughout community college these last two years and found myself studying constantly/tutoring a lot of people in most of the classes I was taking which included Organic Chemistry for example (which i absolutely loveeeee :x ). I actually researched about this major back in my senior year of high school in 2014 and found myself very interested in the classes that I would have to take in order to get a bachelor’s degree for it. I was beyond stoked to see UCI having a Premed specific category for this major because my ultimate goal is to get into medical school with a major that will not only set me apart from everyone else applying to med school, but a major that I would also find very interesting which I hope will motivate me to take the classes I will be taking these next few years.

Anyways, I would love any tips from past or current students that have any knowledge of UCI’s Biomedical Engineering: Premed program so I can make the most out of my time at UCI :-c .

For anyone who is also attending UCI in the Fall of 2016 with this major as a premed or as any premed major in general, I would love to get to know you so we can become best buddies and help each other get through these next few years while still making some awesome memories at UCI :smiley:

-Arya T.

*On a side note, who else is super excited for Game of Thrones returning tonight?! :x