Advice on Clubs

Hello everyone! One of my friends needs advice quick for one of her clubs. To prevent confusion, I’m going to call her Bob here.
So Bob and her friends cofounded this club 2 years ago, and their club was pretty successful.
Then this summer, one of her friends in the club, Joe, started acting more authoritative in the club, and decides to have all of them respond to her email by the end of summer in order to receive a leadership position this year. So Bob notices the week before the end of summer and responds, but Joe ignores her and excludes her from all the club discussions and plans.
Joe plans a club activity for the second week of school but doesn’t tell Bob until 2 days before the event. Joe also tells Bob that unless she shows up and helps out, she’ll lose all her leadership positions, and if she does show up, she can take the lowest leadership position in the club and new people will take higher positions. The issue is that Bob broke her leg on the first week of school and couldn’t participate in the event.
Now Joe is repeatedly confronting Bob and reminding her she’ll lose all her leadership positions if she doesn’t help in the club, and Bob doesn’t know what to do.
What should my friend do in this position? Should she talk to the secretary of clubs at our school, or should she just leave it?
P.S. I don’t have the full story as to what happened, and I only heard from her side. There might be more to the story that I’m not getting, but so far from the people I’ve asked, this seems to be accurate.

Assuming that you are not “Bob” or “Joe”, they should make their own accounts if they want to ask here, rather than having you post when you “don’t have the full story”.

Clubs typically have faculty advisors - that’s where this should be handled.

Anonymous web forum members hearing half a story from a third party can’t realistically provide valid answers.

Bob should talk to the Advisor about what is happening with Joe.