Advice on getting into UCLA or UC Berkeley

<p>I understand the price is extremely high for OOS though my goal is to leave South Carolina for one of these two universities. I had a bad freshman year but heard UCs don’t factor that in. However, I am part of a program where you begin taking classes at Coastal Carolina University your freshmen year and have made one B this year.
My freshman AP score (AP GOV) was bad (3) but doesn’t factor into my Asian Studies/Computer Science major plus is merely a required course for us so I hope it doesn’t hurt too much.
I have plenty of hooks, also, such as first generation, low income, ect. but would rather not discuss them here.</p>

<p>Here is my current courseload
AP World: A+ for S1
Bio Honors: A+
Algebra II Honors: A
Public Speaking at CCU: A+
German II at CCU: B
Precal: taking it now
English II Honors: A+ for S1
college Asian-Pacific History:taking it now
Physics Honors: taking it now</p>

<p>If this helps, here is what I’m looking at for the next two years:
Web Design online course
Art History honors, Desktop Publishing, or SAT prep along with a job
Junior Year
AP Chem
AP English Lang
classes at local university: World Religions, German III, Computer Science, and Creative Writing
Summer after
hopefully I can save up and take more CS classes at CCU? I will work this summer
Senior Year
if offered, AP Japanese and AP CS
college classes: Astronomy, Psychology, higher level history and CS classes, I haven’t decided on all of these yet</p>

<p>Could you guys help me on advice for getting into these schools along with advice for scholarships? Thank you!</p>