Advice on jobs?

<p>I'm looking for a job for the rest of the summer and next school year at Tech. I dont have work study but I need a pretty steady job, preferably on campus, to cover what I didnt get in financial aid. Hoping to work between 15-20 hrs a week during the semester.</p>

<p>Does anyone have any experience working at Squires/UUSA, or the Student Calling Center at the empo, or with dining services?</p>

<p>Besides these places are there any other recommendations to places that will definitely be hiring? (I've already applied to what's on Hokies4Hire).</p>


<p>same! i applied via H4H and hopefully i’ll get something. i too don’t qualify for work-study.</p>


<p>Also, does anyone know what places on campus pay more than minimum wage? I see that the bookstore pays $7.80 per hour and dining services pays $8.25 per hour. Are there places that pay around the same or more? Any help is appreciated!</p>

<p>Instructional Assistants at the Math Emporium make 8.50/hr… positions are limited and only open up at certain times of the year.</p>

<p>did you check the vt jobs database? They have postings on there.</p>