Advice please!! FIG or not?

<p>Here's the story: I'm in the L&S program and thinking of majoring in Conservation Biology and going to law school (not sure yet). Right now I'm enrolled in 16 credits, the only major requirement being Chemistry. I was thinking of taking the Human Nature Animal Nature FIG which includes Psychology, Biological Anthropology, and Philosophy. All of those are prerequisites for some elective courses for my major later. The FIG was full but now theres an opening. The thing is, if I enroll, I won't have room for chemistry since I'm taking a language and orchestra as well. If I take the FIG, I could start chemistry next semester and take it over the summer as well. If I don't take the FIG, I can take all of the chemistry this year and then take psychology and philosophy over the summer. I already found a great literature class I want to take. So my question is, should I stick with the schedule I have or enroll in the FIG? I'll get the courses done either way, but I figured chemistry over the summer might be more difficult since it will be faster paced. I feel better equipped to handle psychology or philosophy in a shorter amount of time than I would about taking chemistry. Does anyone have experience with FIGS or have any advice or input for me? Thanks so much.</p>

<p>Not taking Chem over the summer seems like a good idea. Much better to take a less intensive class like those you mentioned. FIGS are really nice.</p>

<p>It sounds like the FIG courses are what you would enjoy- something you can’t do later. Since you don’t plan on a chemistry major you will do fine with delaying it a semester. Once you are at UW you can decide if summer school chemistry is the way to go, or delay it to fall. Chemistry in the summer has advantages- no other distractions and you can devote all of your efforts to it. Not like needing to write papers in half the time and the material will be fresher in your mind. Sounds like you plan summer school no matter what. Do not give up the FIG just for chemistry. You will joined by others getting chemistry over and done with in the summer and it is a concrete course more easily managed than some other fields.</p>

<p>You could run this by your advisor in an email. I’d go for the FIG (was a chemistry major eons ago, btw).</p>