Freshman Courses for Pre-Law Conservation Bio Major?


<p>I'm majoring in Conservation Biology and planning to apply to law school after I graduate. I'm trying to figure out which courses to take this semester. I've already been to SOAR and enrolled, but now that I have reviewed all of my requirements, I want to make some changes. I'm in L&S honors so that makes it more difficult to choose as well. I definitely want to get basic Chem out of the way. I'm also taking a language and music. So that's 9 credits right there. Then, I was going to take history and anthropology for my social science and humanities, but I'd rather take something that will be a prerequisite for courses I need later. Something like Psych or Philosophy would be good, but I need at least one course for honors and neither of those are offered for honors except in a FIG. I know law schools like those courses as well. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>Don’t worry at all about what law schools want/like. You went over your schedule with an advisor and it sounds like a good start to your college career. Do keep the history and anthropology- they sound like good courses for enriching you. Keep in mind that many social science and humanities courses stand by themselves- they are not prerequisites for other courses, unlike science and math. Law schools do not have course requirements like medical schools do- for a reason. There is no one specific knowledge base you need for law school. Critical thinking skills are to be developed- those college courses you have selected will help you in that. You are also getting a start on meeting the breadth requirements. You have plenty of time. Once you are at UW and into the semester you will learn more about which direction you want to take and more courses to take. The courses you have selected now will not be a waste.</p>

<p>Well, when I was reviewing courses that I will need to take later, a lot have prerequisites like psychology and philosophy so I thought it would better to use one of those as a social science or humanities. There aren’t any honors sections except in FIGs though.</p>