<p>What's your advice to someone who needs to get both her GPA and test scores up? </p>
<p>I'm told that the best time to take the ACT and SAT subject tests is in June because if you take the tests before that your classes won't have covered all the material. Problem is that SAT2 (June 2) and ACT (June 9) is right in middle of my final exams!? </p>
<p>Would you advise: concentrate on GPA (finals) 1st, ACT 2nd & SAT2 last? I'm applying to selective LAC so not many require SAT2. </p>
<p>Or would I take tests on different dates? Thanks!</p>
<p>If your subject tests are in the classes you’re taking now, you really won’t have to make much of a choice between them- if they’re on the same subject material, just study that material and you’ll be good for finals and the subject tests. Studying for Math 1 my sophomore year made studying for finals really easy, so hopefully that can work out for all subjects. But if it makes you nervous to do them together, just study the final material on your own and take the tests in May.</p>
<p>I took my Spanish SAT subject, i got 800
yay for my mexicanesss hahahah
but sdsu didnt really need them, only top schools will look at those</p>