
Hello. I’m a junior in hs, my GPA is 3.33 and I will take the sat this semester. I want to know if my GPA is too low.:heart:

Generally speaking, yes.
But what’s your rigor (AICE/IB? AP?), psat score, any act score?
Are you a recruitable athlete ? Legacy? What state are you from?

im a current freshman - i had a 3.33 GPA and a 33 ACT - i got in early decision!

is the 3.33 weighted or unweighted

I can’t imagine UM would take a weighted 3.3, even with a 33…

I don’t think with the low GPA that you have a great shot but since it’s ED, that helps and you can also be deferred.

@vms1234 . I came to American in my freshman year, so I don’t really know when GPA is weighted or unweighted

Weighted means extra points are given for harder courses. So, you could have an A=4 regular, 4.5 honors, 5 AP. Therefore a B in AP would have the same effect on your weighted GPA as an A in a regular class.