Aerospace Chances?

<p>I wanted to know what my chances were to getting into Purdue with my grades</p>

<p>GPA: 2.9 UW 3.1 W
SAT: 1990 (Math 720/English 660/Writing 610)
ACT: 31 (Math 34/Science 28, rest doesn't really matter i suppose)</p>

<p>I've taken 4 AP classes so far (World History/Micro and Macro Econ/Bio/Psych)
I have no problems with my EC since i have over 300+ hours in volunteering and several awards in different competitions. (Though none of them is really math and science related...)
Thanks again!</p>

<p>GPA is low, but everything else is way up there.</p>

<p>Mid to Low reach, again GPA is low but I dont think you can still bring it up.</p>

<p>Mid to low reach? His Sat and ACT are 140/5 points above the 75th percentile respectively.</p>

<p>Then again, it is engineering.</p>

<p>I was going for engineering, but I switched to Undecided a few days ago.</p>

<p>My stats were:

<p>I don’t know where you are getting your sources from but a 75th percentile is 29(according to College board), his score is 2 points above it.</p>

<p>Anyways, What really kills his application is his GPA, not test scores. It is .4/.6 below average GPA respectively for W/UW and that is a lot. According to college toolkit, there are only 9% people in Purdue with GPA 2.5-2.99, which ranks him to around bottom 10-15%. But again, I don’t know, but I would stay with a reach/low reach.</p>

<p>Yeah, and 6 points below his ACT score is the 50th percentile. He is probably in the 80-85th percentile for ACT, and his SAT is probably around the 80th.</p>

<p>I got a booklet from a college fair that had these numbers in it.</p>

<p>It’s actually 5, according to data below, 25 average ACT was 3 years ago.</p>

<p>[Purdue</a> University Data Digest 2009-10](<a href=“]Purdue”></p>

<p>Anyways, his scores are good but GPA is way down there. So I would stay with my old post.</p>

<p>this was a while ago, but if it helps, I just recieved a 2100 on my last SAT
(720 math/720 writing/660 Reading 11E)</p>