<p>Which universities should I look to transfer if I have to for aerospace engineering at undergrade level?
1. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
2. University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign
3. University of Texas-Austin
4. Purdue University
5. Georgia Tech</p>
<p>Have you considered UMCP? MD seems to be very highly rated in aerospace eng with great internship opportunities nearby.</p>
<p>According to the USNWR undergraduate rankings in Aerospace Engineering:</p>
<h1>1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology</h1>
<h1>2. Georgia Institute of Technology</h1>
<h1>3. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor</h1>
<h1>4. Stanford University</h1>
<h1>5. California Institute of Technology</h1>
<h1>6. Purdue University-West Lafayette</h1>
<h1>6. University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign</h1>
<h1>8. Princeton University</h1>
<h1>9. University of Texas-Austin</h1>
<h1>10. Cornell University</h1>
<h1>10. University of Maryland-College Park</h1>